Chapter 5

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(Harry's pov)

Maybe I should let him come... No! It's too dangerous. He HAS to stay here, where he's safe.

"Harry?" Draco hasn't said anything for 40 minutes straight. He looks really sad. He looks like he's holding in tears.


"Tell me about it... Us..."

I felt like I wanted to cry but at the same time, I wanted to laugh. I notice a salty tear fall down Draco's cheek. I went over and wiped it away. He looked at me a gave me a damaged smirk. He was trying to act nonchalant and cool. All I could see though, was my poor Draco. He was broken glass that I needed to put together, but I have to be careful because he could brake me just as easily.

"Draco, it started out as you giving me the love potion in 2nd year as a prank. But then the potion wore off, when I carried on our secret affair, I knew I didn't want it to stop. And then Voldemort... Well... I just couldn't hurt you so I obliviated you. But then, I wanted you to remember so a few days ago I undid the obliviation."

I looked up into his eyes, and there was love in them.

"Well that explains the flash backs."

He laughed and I continued with him. We collapsed on the floor in fits of laughter and then I stood up and put my hand out to help him up.

He tripped and we went back down, he landed directly on top of me. We laughed even harder.

Then we sat back up again, only this time, he was still sat on me. We stared into each other's eyes and then he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. He put his arms around my neck and I put my arms around his waist. Then without hesitation we pushed our lips together. We were like batteries really. Pushing and pulling all the time.
Time skip (Harry's pov)
Months have passed now. I feel so guilty though because no one will leave Dray alone. He's so amazing, I love him, he's my sweet Slytherin prince and it hurts to see him like this. Whenever I ask him if he's okay he just buries his head in my chest or walks away. He doesn't even eat anymore and he is obviously getting skinnier. He's getting paler and he's quieter. I miss my Dray. This is definitely not my Dray...

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