Chapter 21

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(A/N Erins pov)

Draco leads me to a room and I take a moment to notice my surroundings. There's a huge double bed with silky green sheets and duvet covers to rival the hogwarts ones. There's loads of posters around the room and to my suprise I see a Taylor Swift one. She is a muggle artist and I have to hold in a laugh knowing this is malfoy manor. There's a wardrobe and it's made of an oak wood that's been painted black and there's a mirror attached to the front. With pictures on the front. One of them, is a photo of him and blaise, they are laughing and throwing snow balls at each other. My heart stings at blaises dark complection. His smug look fills me with the strength to not fall apart right there. There's another one with harry and him, they are kissing under the stars and it's so romantic. My brother looks so happy.

This is draco's room.

I notice him looking at me impatiently.

"Done snooping are you?" His voice catches me off guard.

"Sorry." He rolls his eyes and grabs my hand leading me to a bookshelf. He then pulls out a muggle studies text book and the shelf moves revealing a door way.

"What is this?" He rolls his eyes again.

"It's a secret passageway, duh." It's my turn to then roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, but where does it lead to?"

He puts up a silencing charm on the bedroom door so no one from anywhere in the manor can accidentally hear the conversation.

"This passageway is what my mother built for me so that whenever there was death eater meetings I would have somewhere to run to. Only she and I know about it... well and you. You are to stay here and I will come back and get you when the war is over. If you want food or anything just ask for dobby and he will appear and then make him promise to not tell. Do an unbreakable vow if you have to. But no matter what even if you hear voices outside the room. Don't. Leave. You hear me?"

I nod my head 'yes', taking in all the information. I move into the room and slowly walk to the middle. I hear  a 'click' behind me and I know Draco has gone.

I wanted to argue with him, I wanted to scream and shout and cry. I wanted to go back and fight but I knew it wouldn't be the right thing to do. I knew it wouldn't work.

I had to stay here, hell, maybe I'll get my brother back now? Maybe staying in here will prove my loyalty to him and prove I'm good enough? I knew that in my heart no matter what happened with my brother, I may never trust him again but I knew I could never leave him. He'd always be my brother.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek and cursed at my sensitivity. I wiped it away quickly and pushed myself to stay strong. I willed myself to stay strong. I had to. For Harry.

(A/N Skip to Blaises pov)

Draco's walked back into the common room and I was pissed.


He laughed and went into the dorm room. A few moments later he reappeared with a dark, warm coat.

"Relax zabini." The nerve of him...

"Relax? Are you shitting me right now?"


I sighed and tried to collect my thoughts. She had to be okay, I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't.

"Blaise? Stop pacing okay she's fine. She's at malfoy manor."

"Oh, yeah, 'cause that's the safest place in the world!"

"Look, you coming with me or not?"

I pondered at his question and then smirked.

"Probably should, otherwise someone might kill you before I get the chance to."

We shared a smirk and left the room.

(A/N Back to Erin's pov)

It turns out waiting wasn't my cup of tea.

And neither was pacing the room.

Or sipping on herbal tea, anxiously.

Or sleeping.

Nothing seemed to calm my nerves or stop my heart beat freaking out more than me. It also turns out that I wasn't as strong as I figured I was. I had spent 99% of my time so far wiping away tears but they always fell. It seems to be the only thing I'm good at.

I tried really hard to stay positive but I just couldn't. I think it was the not knowing that killed me more. The uncertainty of it all.

In the end I turned to sleep for comfort. It took around an hour of tossing and turning to finally drift off, but I did. And then I was half at peace with the word...

A/N So, in my last chapter (wasn't a chapter) I said I would upload this Monday however I'm uploading it now! It's not super long however i hope you like it.

Luv you lovelies xx

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