Chapter 20

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(Lilly's pov)

"No, you didn't!" We burst into laughter, Blaise was telling me about how he tricked Snape into believing he was gay, of course someone being gay isn't funny, however there was something truly hilarious about Snape snapping his snapey fingers and strutting down the corridor!

"Oi! Potter!" He spat my name like it was venom and instantly I tensed up, but I wouldn't let Malfoy think I was scared.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I sighed and rolled my eyes, pretending to be disinterested even though we all knew I was the nosiest person you'll ever meet and was dying to know what he had to say.

"Harry's in the hospital wing, thought you should know." It was in that moment I could see his only concern was harry. For that, I was grateful.

"Hey draco!" He turned around at the sound of his first name.
"Thank you." Was all I said before I grabbed onto Blaise's hand and headed for the hospital wing.
Worried was an understatement, I was so scared, I didn't know how serious it was but he was my brother and I couldn't lose him.

*time skip to when they get to the hospital wing*

"Harry!" As soon I saw him my heart dropped. He was pale and bleeding. A lot.

"Lilly?" I let go of Blaise and ran towards him engulfing him in a hug. After all, I hadn't seen him in a while.

"What happened to you?!"

He looked really weak and it honestly hurt me to see him like it.

"Death eaters, look, I need to be quick, but I was protecting you, you're in danger though, you need to go into hiding, a war is going to break out in less then an hour and its not just me they want."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Before I could argue though, Harry shouted that he was sorry before I felt an arm wrap around my waist and the sickness of dissaparation kicked in.

It was draco.

"Where are we?" He looked at me and tried to give me a sympathetic smile.

"Malfoy Manor."

My heart dropped. Oh god.


Thanks for reading this long overdue chapter, I known it's kind of short chapter but I hoped you like it!

Word count: 386 words.

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