Chapter 16

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(Harry's POV)

He grabbed my hand and we made our way back to the great hall, of course, when we walked in, all heads turned. We made our way to our seats and 'Mione and Ron sent me encouraging smiles, which eased my nerves, quickly.

"Are you okay now, Harry?" I smiled at Luna in reply and she smiled back, content with my answer. For the rest of the time, the hall was filled with chatter about Harry Potter's sister and how Malfoy hadn't let go of his hand since they came in.

"Potter, you are so clingy." He grinned, I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Let go of my hand then, Ferret." He raised his eyebrows at the nickname and I couldn't help but laugh even more.

"No." I rolled my eyes again and him and Ron started talking about wizard chess. It's funny, and ironic, they hate each other really, yet they have so much in common. I'm glad they can act like mature, young adults.

"Harryyyyyyyyy. Tell Malfoy that I would be a great knight!?" I sighed and went along with it.

"Malfoy, Ron would be a great knight." I said it as dryly as wizardly possible.

"Harryyyyyyyyy, tell this gryffindork, that he is a clumsy-ass git and couldn't be a knight even in his own bloody dreams!?" I sighed and went along with it... Again.

"Ron, your a clumsy-ass git and couldn't be a knight even in your own bloody dreams." I again said it as dryly as possible, they rolled their eyes at me, I just laughed it off.

Suddenly, my owl, Hedwig, flew in and dropped a letter in front of me, and then flew off. Neville sent me a curious look, I shrugged, confused as well, considering letters don't come for another 3 days. I ripped it open to reveal a daily prophet. On the front page, was a picture of me and Erin, but two different ones, next to each other, with the headline reading; The boy who lied?

Everyone, by now, was staring at my shaking hands and the mysterious newspaper. Neville took the newspaper off of me and started to read it.

"Bullshit!" It echoed through the hall and Snape sent him a disproving tut. I tried my hardest not to giggle but failed miserably, as well as Ron, who was crying of laughter, at this point.

Abruptly, Erin stood up, with a tear falling down her face, and walked out the room, she still managed to walk out with a bit of dignity and grace somehow, and I admired her for it.

A/n Frick! Shits bout to go down! Word count: 447 words.

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