Chapter 18

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(Erin's POV)

I pulled the brush through my hair and tried to remain calm. It was no big deal, its definitely no. Big. Deal.

Okay, so I was lying, I let out a huge laugh at how stupid I was acting. It was a massive deal.

I, Erin Lilly Potter, have a crush on Blaise Zabini. This shouldn't be a huge deal, however, over the last few months, he's become my best friend.


"Harry! Wait Harry, I'm so-" He harshly interrupted me with a slap across the face.

"Erin, oh my gosh I didn't mean to do that, I'm so-" I wouldn't let him do this to me. He's my brother and I love him, but my gawd he can be a git.

"Just do me a favour and stay the fuck away from me!" I couldn't look at him, not now, it was our fifth argument this week! It was always about the same thing.

Usually one of us would just get so annoyed we'd call each other a name and then walk away, this time was very different though. This time, Harry, my brother, hit me, and trust me, I was mad.

You see, last week I thought Draco was cheating on Harry with Pansy Parkinson because she and him had been spending a lot of time together, and I even heard him tell her he loved her, of course, I had gotten the wrong end of the stick. Pansy was helping Draco plan how he would ask Harry to the yule ball, and they were best friends, and best friends tell each other things like that. Harry thought I was jealous and liked Draco, and that's when he abruptly hit me across the face in pure rage.

I ran off crying my eyes out, not even looking where I was going, just trying to get back to my dorm room.

Suddenly I walked into something, or rather, a someone.
"Woah, Erin, watch where you're- oh, are you alright?" Blaise had his arm around my waist, steadying my shaking body. I kept my eyes on the floor, not wanting him to see me in this state, he put his hand under my chin and lifted my head to meet his eyes. "Don't be embarrassed baby girl, its okay."

It was barely a whisper but it sent shivers down my spine, none the less. He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me through to the dungeons, making a light blush dance across my cheeks.

"Why don't you start by telling me what's got your pretty little face so upset?"

I looked down and smiled to myself. It was then that I knew we would be good friends, very good friends indeed.

I told him everything, for some reason I felt as though I could trust him, he was so kind, he listened to everything I had to say, and he never interrupted me, not once. At the end of our little chat, Harry and Draco both came in and obviously weren't thrilled to see me.

"Are you kidding me!?" "Come on Blaise, I thought you had standards!" They both stormed out after making sure I was aware of how mad they were. Calling me a slut, telling me I wasn't wanted, that seemed to do them justice.

"Hey, don't you dare listen to them Lils!" They don't know what they're talking about." He pulled me into a hug and they're we stayed, on the sofa, whilst I cried into his embrace like a little girl. He didn't make me feel stupid though, that's one of the things I like about him, he never made me feel stupid for being upset.

*End of flashback*

I wiped my fallen tear, knowing that telling him how I felt would probably ruin our friendship. Knowing that everyone would hate me, so I would just go back home and obliviate myself and then there would be no pain.

I pulled on a green jumper, not caring that it was one of Blaise's and pulled myself to the common room.

"Lils!" That was his nickname for me, people looked at him strangely when he said it, but I liked it, although I only liked it, when he called me that.

"Hey Blaise!" I put on a fake smile but of course he could see right through it.
"Whassup?" I instantly broke down, he pulled me down to the sofa, ironically the one from when we first became best friends, and made me take deep breaths.

"Lils, hey, its me, you can tell me."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his reaction.
"Blaise, there's something I have to tell you." He squeezed my hand reassuringly.
"I... I... I love you..." "I love you too! Now what did you want to tell me?" I giggled and shook my head. "You're so stupid Zabini! I'm in love with you!" Shit my eyes are open! He never let go of my hand, he simply looked at Tue floor and laughed?

"I'm sorry, I should go now." I got up and went to walk away, tears were spilling down my cheeks, however, he grabbed onto my hand and span me around to face him. Without hesitation and without giving me time to question him he kissed me, it was passionate, and slow. It was gentle, but it was incredible.

He pulled away and a massive grin spread across his face. I couldn't help but grin back.

No words were needed. In that moment it was just us and the hustle and bustle of Hogwarts. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and skipped away, leaving me to stand there in awe and satisfaction.

A/n Word count: 954 words.

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