Chapter 15

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(Harry's pov)

She strides through the hall and doesn't seem to notice the many eyes on her. Dumbledore greets her with a warm smile and she returns one. The sorting hat is pulled out and the mysterious girl seems to suddenly lack in confidence. 

"Good evening everyone! Today, a new student joins us. Miss Erin Potter. We shall commence her sorting now." My eyes widened. 

"I have a sister?!" I  have a sister. I have a sister. I have a sister. I have a-

"Erin Potter!" The sorting hat howled through the halls. Draco squeezed my hand reassuringly, relaxing me immediately. I felt my breath hitch and Draco instinctively kissed my temple. I'd thank him for that later. The sorting hat was placed onto her head and I couldn't help but lean into Draco for support. It felt like there was a lack of oxygen and my throat was scraping for breath. I shut my eyes and hid my face in his cloak. I listened to his heartbeat which soothed me enough to keep my angry tears locked in. 

It felt like I was trapped in a cage and Dumblebitch, my parents, Draco, everyone, they were all just stood there, laughing at me and then all at once they stopped. 

"Hey, Potter, you okay?" I looked up and watched as everyone patiently waited for her house to be announced. "Potter, stop worrying, it's gonna be okay." I nodded and melted back into his side. And then it was finally announced.

"Slytherin!" I gasped, a Potter in slytherin... 

"Dray?" He looked at me with worried eyes and it was only then I realised a sneaky tear had fallen. He wiped it away but then surprised me by getting up. 

"Come on, Potter. Let's go walk and talk." I hummed in response and grabbed his hand straight away, going with him willingly. We left the great hall and went straight to the astronomy tower. This was our spot. 

"Dray, i'm so confused and scared." I admitted as I stood and lent against the railing, letting the cold breeze blow softly at my face, sending shivers down my spine. He crept up behind me and snaked his arms around me, kissing my cheek, lovingly. 

"Potter, you listen and you listen good." He started and then burst into laughter, I joined in, remembering the last time he said that. "You are Harry freaking Potter! You are the bloody boy who lived for fucks sake!" I laughed at the titles. "Everything's going to be okay, I promise." I turned around and put my arms around his neck. The tall blonde, puts his lips to mine and his hands are in my hair. My mind goes fuzzy and for just a second everything seems normal. For just a second, it's like my-new-twin-sister-who-dumblebitch-just-forgot-to-mention-and-forget-to-mention-for-15-years. 

"I love you Potter." "Shut up Malfoy!" "Make me" I rolled my eyes and kissed him under the sparkling, romantic stars.

I knew that our moment would have to end, and I also knew that I couldn't just run away from everything, but I couldn't help but enjoy this moment with him.  "Come on, Potter, we should go back." "Do we have toooooo?" He laughed and kissed me one last time. "You know, we have to. Come on gryffindork!" 

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