Chapter 10

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(Draco's pov)
I wake up and I can feel someone holding my hand. Someone is laid next to me. I try to think of who it is and I don't want to look over just in case it's someone else. Then I look over and see him asleep. I can't believe he came back but I'm filled with hope. I notice the bleeding cut on his head so I grab my spare roll of bandages and wrap it around his head, making sure to cover the whole cut and then I kiss his cheek. A tear falls down his cheek and I realise he's having a nightmare.
"Harry... Wake up... It's ok, it's just a dream."

He wakes up and hugs me straight away.
"I'm so sorry dray, I shouldn't have left, I was going to come sooner but I had to fight off Voldemort." He whispered the last part because he didn't want to upset me.
"Hey it's ok, you're  here now." He nods and I wipe his tears away. Blaise walks in and his eyes widen.
"Potter, your back?!" I laugh and put my head on his shoulder, he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I feel my cheeks flush when the gang walk in. (Weaslette, girl weaslette, granger, long bottom and love good. They all scream in excitement like a bunch of fan girls and run over to hug Harry.

"Harry, when did you come back?! We wore so worried about you!" I smiled and he laughed. He was saying something but I wasn't listening. I stared into space and Voldemort went into my mind. I screamed in pain, my gut wrenched, my heart raced and my bones crunched. Harry gripped my hand and was shaking me trying to wake me up. Draco Malfoy... He whispered. You have become weak. Join the dark side. Don't let me down Draco... I tried to ignore him but he was in control now. I screamed again but my face was blank. I went more pale than I already was and I looked dead. I fell back as Voldemort released me and left my mind. I breathed huge breaths.

"Dray... What's wrong?! What happened?!" I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same except he kissed my forehead. I cried into his chest and he never moved. He never even asked me what's wrong because he knew that right now I didn't want to talk. All I really wanted was for him to hold me and never let me go.

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