Chapter 6

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(Draco's pov)

"Harry, when are we leaving then?" He looked down at the floor. I'm not sure he wants me to come.

"Draco, You're not coming with me..." I don't even know what to say to that absurd remark. Obviously, I'm coming with him. I'm not just going to hand him over to Voldemort.

"STOP IT!" He looked shocked. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer.


He looked stuck for words.

"Dray... Listen to me. I love you, a lot more than I thought possible to love anyone, but I won't let you get hurt. I'm going alone and that's final!" If he goes, I'm not sure when I'll see him again. If I'll see him again...

"I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I lean my head against his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me. We could hear people talking about it from outside the toilet. Know one wanted to hang around me anymore. Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle, my so called 'friends,' have all started shouting.

"HE'S SUCH A COWARD!" "He's a faggot." "GAYBOY, GAYBOY!" I squeezed my eyes closed hoping to wake up and the nightmare to be over. I hoped that I would wake up and everyone would be cheering and clapping after seeing me and Harry's little... moment. Instead everyone reacted badly. I don't know how Harry's friends reacted but my friends reacted terribly. Harry's all I have left.

"Shhh, shh, it's okay. Dray, it's okay, i'm here."

"Make it stop, Harry. Make it go away, pleaseeeeeeee!"

"It's alright Dray, I'm here."

He hugged me tight and he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. He gripped hold of my hand and he kissed it gently. He didn't let go of my shaking body and he put a silencing charm on the hallway so I didn't have to listen to other students talk about me. He never once let go of my hand, even when he did the charm. He was kind and gentle, It only made me feel more arrogant. I was determined to make him stay or let me go with him on his journey.

"You're all I have left Harry, if you go. I Have NO ONE!" He looked lost in thought. It was like he didn't even notice the fact that the silencing charm stopped working. I wanted to walk out of the bathroom and yell at everyone. I knew that in my heart though, I need to stay and hold Harry in my arms because it might be the last time I ever do so.

"Dray, everything is going to be OK. I promise." He wrapped his muscular arms around me and kissed my forehead. More shouting could be heard.

"He should just go get voldemort to do the avada kevrada curse on him."

"No wonder his parents are ashamed of him!"

"Harry... Make it go away..." It came out as a whisper. Loads of people ran to the bathroom. Then things got 1000 times worse...

"Stupid, weak Malfoy!" They got out their phones and started filming me. Harry stood up and tried to make them go away.

"Leave him alone! Go on, go away!" They didn't listen to him though. I couldn't take it anymore. I'm tired of them treating me like i'm weak just because i'm different.

"What do you want me to do then?! Huh? Do you want me to do the avada kevrada curse on myself because you know what I will!" Harry took my wand out of my hand before I could anything drastic. Everyone went silent and I tried to grab my wand back.

"Give it back!"Just as I was about to give up I noticed someone's wand sticking out their robe pocket so I snatched it out and pointed it towards me.

"Dray... Don't do this. Please?!" Harry stood directly in front of me, blocking the view of the whispering students. They realised I was going to do it if Harry wasn't their so they walked away. Once everyone cleared out, I dropped to the floor, onto my knees. Harry went straight to me and hugged me tight, as I tried to fight for breath.

"Harry, don't you get it? If you leave me here alone, I have nothing left to live for. Harry, if you were.... if you were.... killed.... I wouldn't ever be able to forgive myself." He grabbed my hand and wiped my tears away.

"Dray... None of this is your fault, and if I was killed, that wouldn't be your fault either." I tried to believe him, but I couldn't.

"Harry, if you go, you do realise what you will have to do. Don't you?"

He gave me the most stubborn look. Obviously it would be hard, but it would have to be done.

"Dray, I'm not obliviating you again!" He's just going to hurt me instead.

"Then we... we... we have to...... break up..." I choked the words out as if they were knives, in my mind though, they were worst then knives. They were machine guns.

"But... I love you." I wiped the glass tears, that were fighting to break out, away from his eyes and a small smile formed on his lips. It wasn't a smile, it was more like, a sympathetic glance.

"Harry, if you love me, you will let me come with you."

He shook his head, he is so stubborn.

"Well there's nothing left to say." I got up and started to walk away but he grabbed my hand before I could go anywhere.

"Dray, please, don't do this. I'm just trying to protect you!" I gave him a stare that said I was hurt and walked away. When he tried to stop me, this time, I didn't let him.

I went straight to my dorm room and locked myself in. No one would be coming until classes finish, and it was lunch time anyway. I pulled myself up onto my chest of drawers and climbed into the windowsill. I stared out into the night and cried. My Harry was gone.
Time skip (still Harry's pov)
I woke up with sweat dripping down my forehead, my body shaking and tears blinding me from view.

"Harry!? Hey... Shhh. It's okay. I'm here, I'm here." He hugged me tightly and I couldn't help but sob into his chest.

I had the nightmare again.

Obliviate... [discontinued]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ