Chapter 14

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(Draco's pov)

Were sat at the gryffindor table, eating breakfast, and I can tell something's wrong. Harry doesn't even eat his food, he's just shoving it around with his fork so it looks like he is. "Harry, what's wrong?" "Nothing. Everything is fine Draco." I know he's lying though. "Don't lie t-" He cuts me off by standing up abruptly, he goes to say something, and then just... doesn't. Instead, he just walks off, and slams the hall door, on his way out. I flinch as the door hits the wall making a smashing sound that echos through the hall. 

"Don't take it personally Draco, i'm sure he's just tired." Hermione says softly, and then gives me a warm smile.  

I don't know what to say... I just get up and run after him.

"Harry! Harry wait!" He turns around with tears running down his face and comes towards me, he leans his head on my shoulder and i don't hesitate to wrap an arm around him and stroke his hair, he just sobs into me.

It breaks my heart.

Skip to Harry's POV:

I cant tell him. I cant tell him. I cant tell hi-

"Harry, please talk to me... Please."

I cant tell him. I can't tell him. I just... Can't.

"You're going to hate me... I don't want to hurt you. I can't tell you." I cant tell him. I can't tell him.

"That's absurd! I could never ever hate you Harry!" I slide down the wall and sigh. He will hate me. He might not think so now... But he will.

"Dray?" He slides down and sits next to me, taking my hand in his own. I look down, i don't want to see his face when i tell him what Snape told me.

"I told Snape... About our conversation in the hospital ward... Voldemort is back Dray... I, i, i have to... I have to obliviate you again..."

He stood up with tears rolling down his face.

"You listen here potter, and you listen good. I am NOT. Repeat, NOT, going to leave you. We've been through this once before. I love you. You cant keep doing this. Snape's wrong. We can and we will get through this. We'll fight him together."

I gave him a weak smile and stood up, i hugged him one more time and then took his hand so we could go back to the main hall. I kissed his cheek as he opened the main doors and everyone was looking at us.

"Harry! Draco! Come sit down over here, we've saved a seat for you both.". Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, Seamus, dean, Luna, fred and George were all sat together urging us to come join them.

Me and draco looked at each other and laughed, as we skipped over to them.

"Mal- I mean Draco. I, um, i'm sorry, can we, um, can we be friends. I mean you are dating my best mate. So... Um." Ron awkwardly said. I smiled as my draco reached over and shook hands with him laughing at how easy it was. We sat down and instantly Ron and Draco went into a conversation about quidditch. I sent Hermione a grateful smile, knowing she had something to do with it. She giggled and we both burst into laughter. Dray and Ron both looked at us like we were crazy and then they joined in on our chorus of laughter.

Our joy abruptly ended though when the doors swung open once more and a girl with brown hair, a confident smirk, and a matching lightning scar on her forehead waltzed into the great hall.

This was going to be a very... interesting year...

A//N I hope you guys liked this long overdue chapter, yes i'm throwing at you a whole new character. Harry's twin sister. It's crazy but i think it will work well.

Byyeeeeeee see you next week, IN 2018!!! OMG THIS YEAR HAS FLOWWWNNNN BY LIKE HARRY ON THE QUIDDITCH MATCH!!!! I hope you had a nice Christmas!

K rant over, bye luv u lovelies!

Word count: 690 words!

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