Chapter 17

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(Erin's POV)

(A/n ayyyy finally Erin's pov!)

I walked out of the great hall feeling embarrassed. I could never live up to the standards of being his sister! I should never have even come. I don't belong here, I don't belong any-

"Erin?" Suddenly I was interrupted by a voice unmistakeable. The voice of my twin brother.

"Erin? Are, are you okay?" I couldn't help but smile as more tears fell down my face. I had a brother.

"Harry!" I sobbed out and he smiled and opened his arms out to me which I didn't hesitate to hug him tightly.

It was a short meeting, but no introductions were needed, and to my surprise, we weren't awkward at all. It felt so natural talking to him, and 6 months later, me and my brother were closer than Fred and George Weasley! Which is very close indeed...

A/n sorry for a super short chapter, to be honest this is just a filler chapter, but the next chapter will be much longer, and better. 

Word count: 176 words.

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