Chapter 19

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(Lilly's POV)

Since our first kiss, me and Zabini have been inseparable, not that we weren't before, but instead of being attached at the hips, we were attached at the lips!

Okay, bit of an exaggeration, but still, let's just say, we've gotten closer?
Currently I was in bed with the sleeping Blaise, staring at the ceiling.

As much as everyone assumed we were dating, and we acted like we were dating, it had never specifically been said, he hadn't asked me out and I hadn't asked him, we just, kind of, avoided the conversation.

It wasn't like we didn't have feelings for each other, because my gosh we did, that was clear, however, for some reason we just never spoke about it. It was like we were scared to talk about it, like confirming everyone's suspicions would change everything.
It hasn't been awkward since the kiss, in fact, it's like everything makes sense now, yet it still felt like it would be.

I didn't really have any other friends, Draco still hated me, and now hated Zabini too, Pansy, obviously, hated me, Harry wasn't talking to me either. I didn't really have anyone else, losing him would hurt like hell, not just as a maybehesmyboyfriendbuti'mnotsure but as my best friend.

It wasn't like I could just talk to him about how I felt, it was about him! Things were just so complicated and just so scary.

I hadn't realised I was crying until I felt him wipe a tear away, I turned over and cried into his chest, I felt like an idiot, I cried too much over the little things, I'm petty and sensitive. Blaise didn't mind though.

"Hey, what's wrong darling?? Talk to me Potter please."

We called each other by our last names a lot. It was our little thing, we did it because were constantly teasing each other and making fun of each other, I still found it hilarious.

I closed my eyes and tried to fool him into thinking I was asleep, obviously it didn't work.

"Potter, I know you're not asleep." He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"It's nothing, really, I'm just being stupid!"

He looked at me like I was keeping secrets from him, it wasn't something I liked the idea of and he didn't agree with it either, naturally. But this was hard to tell him.

"I just... I just..."
I struggled to form my words, how was I supposed to exclaim this?
"You just? You just?"
I bit my lip nervously, I didn't want to hurt him.
"What are we?" He looked frazzled and shocked at my choice of words, what was he expecting me to say?

"I don't know." I hated those words, surely he knew!
"But am I just a fling? Am I just a, I don't know, a random fling, you'll just get bored of?? Are you just going to dump me next month and get with someone more interesting???"

He looked even more shocked.
"Of course you're not! I would never do that to you! You're my best friend!"

"But is that all I am to you? You're best friend?"


"Zabini, were acting like, like, like were together or something! We haven't even been on a date, and you haven't even asked me out!"

And you keep flirting with other girls!

He looked as scared of his answer to my ramble of questions as I did.
"Is that why you're upset? You think were never going to be officially together?"

"Yes! I don't want to just be something you can just play with! I'm not a toy! And I'm in it for the long run!"


He never raises his voice. Ever.






With that we burst into laughter and kissed, it  wasn't a particularly long kiss, but it was enough to leave us satisfied.

"Do you wanna sneak off and get hot chocolate??"

I pretended to ponder on his question, he knew my answer though.

So we skipped off, hands held together, laughing at each other and drank hot chocolate made by the elves.


Thank you guys for reading this chapter! I've not been updating as regular as I'd like but I'm going to try really hard to keep updating as much as I can!

Thanks again!

Question time!

Do you ship Blaise and Lilly?

What do you think of how Draco and Harry are treating Lilly?

Are you enjoying this story so far?

Word count: 771 words

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