Autumn- Sabriel

36 2 15

So um about last chapter. Heh. Sorry for the feels. Here's some fluff


"SAMOOSE!!! SAMMY SAMMY SAMMY!!!" Gabe jumped up and down on Sam Winchesters bed.

"Wha- Gabriel? What're you doin'" Sam muttered as he slowly came into consciousness.

Gabe grinned at him. "Guess what today is!!!" He sang out. Sam paused for a second and then groaned. "Oh no..."


Sam rolled over and looked at the time on his phone. "Well at least you didn't wake me up at 5am like you did on the Fourth of July." he grumbled.

"Come on Samwich! Get your lazy ass out of bed and let's go outside!" Sam rolled his eyes but pulled back the covers and stood up. Gabe bounded off the bed and ran over to the door.

He waited patiently as Sam pulled on street clothes and grabbed his phone. "Alright let's go!" He said as soon as Sam finished tying his shoelaces.

The two of them left the hotel room, pausing quickly to tell Dean where they were going. The sidewalk was littered with orange leaves and the air was a crisp, cold breeze. Gabriel couldn't stop smiling.

"Samantha look! There's a pumpkin in someone's garden! Ahhh look that tree is so pretty, it has all the fall colors on it! Oooo can we go to a cafe and get hot cocoa with cinnamon?"

Sam grinned at his boyfriend, amoosed at his antics. Gabe got so excited about autumn, it was adorable. Gabe turned around and grabbed Sam's hands.

"I love you." he said and pulled him in for a kiss. A breeze blew by, causing leaves to shower down on them. Gabe pulled back and laughed. He pulled a few leaves out of Sam's hair. He smiled up at the moose and booped his nose.

Sam blinked and then laughed. "Come on. You wanted cocoa, right?" Gabe nodded. "We have to get foam art in them also." he said. "Of course. Its cocoa. How could it not have foam art?" Sam said in the most serious tone he could muster. Gabe stuck his tongue out at him and pulled him down the sidewalk.

They entered a small cafe and walked up to the counter. "What can I get you today?" The girl behind the counter asked, eyeing Sam. Gabe linked his arm with Sam's and said, "Two hot cocoas for me and my boyfriend, and if you do foam art, please do that as well."

The girl wrinkled her nose slightly. "Sorry, we don't serve fags here." she said disdainfully and walked into the back room. Sam looked down at Gabe. "Guess we'll just get some somewhere else."

Gabe shook his head, frowning. "No...she ruined my mood. Let's just go back to the hotel." Sam smiled sympathetically at him and they walked out. Gabe was quiet the whole way back, kicking at pinecones that littered the ground.

They arrived back at Sam's room and entered the dark space. Sam flipped on the lights and they sat down crosslegged on the bed. Gabe played with Sam's fingers and then sighed.

"You know what? This is ridiculous. I'm letting some random bitch ruin October 1st. Not anymore. We are going to wear fall leaf flowercrown style thingys and watch a bunch of Tim Burton movies on the crappy TV over there."

Sam laughed and kissed the top of Gabe's head. "Alright. That's fine with me." Gabe snapped his fingers and sparkly leaf headlets in red and orange appeared on their heads and a pile of fluffy orange and black skull blankets appeared.

They spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies and that's how Dean found them the next morning, huddled on the bed under the blankets with the fall headlets still on, when it was time to leave for their next job.

*cough* the first few paragraphs were not based at all on real life events that happened *cough* so there you go! Some cute fluffyness in celebration of October and fall and autumn is my aesthetic and ahhhhh I'm so happy!!! Okay well I'm too happy now, time to go write a death scene in Discovering Reality.

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