Christmas with the OCs

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So because I'm me, I'm going to write a Christmas story using my favorite OCs. I'm using the ones that I've connected with the most, and I'm just going to let the story pour out so its probably going to be a lot of crazy ass shit that makes almost no sense. Btw, my pronouns will be they/them even though I'm female (thank god. I'm visiting family today) at the moment.

"Merry fucking Christmas!!!" Jayden yelled as he woke everyone up. "Its Christmas! We got a white Christmas! Everyone up, up, up!!!!"

Ray groaned as he rolled over. "Who knew the emo would be so holiday oriented?" He numbed as he stretched and stood up.

"I'm not even mad at the emo comment! Come on! Downstairs, now!"

Meep watched as their children, despite being older than them, tromped down Blu's death stairs in the fam house. Tenny, Blu, Ash, Niki, Sammi, and the rest of the fam were doing their various Christmas things cause Meep doesn't know yet what the fam is doing tomorrow so yup only the OCs and Meep in the fam house right now.

Lori was sorting everyone's presents while Michael and Jackson made breakfast. Jayden ran around putting Santa hats on everyone. Meep laughed at how much Jayden took after them when it comes to holidays.

"Hey y'all Merry Christmas." They said as they flooped on the blue jean couch in the living room. Lori threw tinsel at them. "You've got presents." She said.

"Course I do. I'm the one who's writing this."

"Meep what have we talked about?" Michael yelled from the kitchen. Meep sighed.

"No breaking the fourth wall unless Supernatural is involved..." They grumbled.

Michael entered the room. "So no more breaks in this oneshot." Meep glared and mumbled under her breath.

Jackson walked up behind Michael and hugged him from behind. "Merry Christmas." He whispered and Meep squealed. "I forgot I made you canon outside of Discovering Reality! Sorry."

Lori finished sorting the presents and grabbed the TV remote. "Your future technology is so awesome!" She said. "I love being in the future."

Michael threw his hands up. "Why do I even try. Go ahead, break as many walls as you want. Where's Ray?"

Meep grinned devilishly. "I'm thinking about making them canon outside of Leave the Past in the Past. They're currently having a moment in the hallway. For some reason, I like making my OCs canon twice. Once outside the books, the other inside the books."

Lori curled up next to Meep. She was new and still slightly nervous around the other OCs. "I'm putting on That 70s Show, it reminds me of my time." She said as she clicked through Netflix.

There was suddenly a knock at the door. Everyone looked over at the front door. "Who could that be?" Jackson asked over Michael's shoulder, knowing that Meep had all the OCs they intended to have here.

Meep stood up apprehensively. "I'm not sure, I didn't plan this. The story is writing itself again." They opened the door and gasped. "Oh. My. Word. How?"

A cool, female voice replied, "We technically are OCs of yours. We are from when you were young."

Meep stared at the slender dragon and rider in front of her. "But-but- I only wrote a few chapters of you guys. Its still in my third grade journal."

"Maybe you've decided to renew us." Sapphire, the dragon, said, poking her large head through the doorway. "Hello I'm Meeps dragon from when they were in third grade."

Lori squeaked and hide under her blanket while Michael and Jackson stared in fear.

"Don't worry, I made her nice. That was back when I was obsessed with Eragon so I began writing my own dragon book. This is Sapphire's rider, Evelyn."

"H-hi." Michael stuttered out. Jackson ducked behind Michael's back.

"Hey guys what's going- what that actual fuck." Ray said coming into the living room. "There's a dragon. In the house. Who. What. Where. How. Why."

Jayden followed him in. "Oh hello. Are you staying for Christmas? If you are, please come in. Its freezing outside." He asked Sapphire and Evelyn.

"Ummm..." Evelyn looked at Meep. "Are we welcome to?"

"Uh sure." Meep said, still in shock that their third grade creations had appeared again. "Great! Where's somewhere I can go?" Sapphire asked.

Meep pointed at the garage. "You can go in there and stick your head through the doorway."

Sapphire backed out of the front doorway and tromped around the side of the house. Thankfully, the garage was empty at the moment so she fit in. Lori poked her head out as Evelyn entered the room.

"At least I'm not the newbie anymore," she chuckled nervously, eyeing the elfin soldier.

"So. Anyone want to unwrap presents?" Meep said, trying to break the atmosphere that had developed.

"Me!!" Jayden shouted, running over to the tree. He grabbed the stockings and handed them out to Ray, Michael, Jackson, Lori and Meep. "Sorry we weren't expecting you." He said to Evelyn and Sapphire.

"That's alright. We don't celebrate Christmas in my home world." Evelyn said. Lori tilted her head. "Where is your home world?"

Evelyn shrugged. "A few million light years away. We used a wormhole to get here."

"That's awesome. I'm assuming your planet is in a Goldilocks zone?" Jayden asked as he pulled an orange out of his stocking. Evelyn nodded.

The present unwrapping commenced cause Meep took a 12 hour break in writing cause of a horribly shitty day and is now at their aunts house and thankfully feels better.

The gifts were as follows.
Lori: Space slime, locket, books about computers, and a shitload of candy.
Ray: Bracelets, band T-shirts, new eyeliner.
Jayden: USB flash drive, hoodies, and a charm saying 'emo' as a joke from Ray.
Michael: Kitten plushie, hair chalk, ball of yarn (again, a joke from Ray)
Jackson: Pack of playing cards, trenchcoat, candy.
Meep: Whatever the hell I unwrap tomorrow morning.

After the trash had been cleaned up, Jackson passed out hot cocoa and the whole group, including Evelyn and Sapphire, watched Christmas movies while wrapped up in fluffy Christmas themed blankets.

I get two Christmases. We accidentally left most of our presents at home when we left for my aunts house. So when we get back on Thursday, that's when we unwrap those.

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