Yule Magic, of Sorts- Wolfstar

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Hi welcome to a oneshot based off my religion. Well, technically I'm still Christian cause I go to church and be all like "Jesus Mary God more Jesus drink the wine eat the bread *pelts people with Easter eggs*" but this is definitely more how I define my spirituality and what I would like to be my official religion. If you would like to know more about it before you read this, simply search up "wiccan witchcraft."
Hope Lupin was a strange Muggle. I suppose that's why she attracted Lyall to her side. She believed in magick. Yes, magick with a 'k' in it. She was a witch, but not in the Wizarding World sense, no, but in the sense that she connected with nature in a way that few understood.

Lyall had stumbled upon her one day in the woods while she was celebrating Imbolic, the festival of the maiden and spring. He was instantly drawn to her, in an unexplainable way. Perhaps it was seeing her crafting Brideo'gas from the grass and leaves around her, or maybe the way her white dress flowed around her and pink flowers adorned her hair. Whatever it was, it sparked between them both, and they were soon married, which was an interesting mix of traditions.

Within a few years, a baby boy was born. Hope named him Remus for two reasons. The first was that her Gods were the Greek gods and that included Romulus and Remus. The second was because Remus Lupin would be a powerful name, and Remus himself would be powerful with both Wizard blood and Wiccan blood running in his veins.

6 years later, she regretted it. She had been tempting Fate, and Fate had come a'calling. Her little boy would now be harmed every month, in body, spirit, and mind. What ye send forth comes back to thee, so ever mind the law of three.

Hope taught Remus the way of the nature witch throughout his childhood, and he thankfully had a knack for magick, unlike his father. She taught him protection spells, healing spells, runes, sigils, divination, herbal remedies, lunar magick, solar magick, everything she could possibly think of.

When his letter from Hogwarts arrived, Lyall was overjoyed. His son would get a normal wizard's education. Remus wouldn't be at home for his whole life, wasting away with each passing moon. Hope was thrilled but fearful. She was scared of Remus being an outcast, not even for being a werewolf, but for being pagan, a half blood, badly scarred at the age of 11. The night before he left, she made him promise to keep as much of his life as he could secret. They prayed extra hard that August 31st.

It was Remus's first year at Hogwarts, and he had been sorted into Gryffindor, along with the two idiot blokes from the train and the small boy who followed them like a shadow. Remus was upset to learn that he shared a dorm room with the wankers.

He already had to hide his lycanthropy, but now he had to share a room with two complete- gah! It was so unfair! And potentially dangerous, for everyone's sanity!


"Hey Lupin! Quiet down over there!" One of the boys, Sirius probably, yelled. Remus was sitting in a 6 foot by 6 foot by 7 foot alcove carved into the dorm room wall behind a desk.

"Sorry!" Remus called, continuing to set up his altar. It was the perfectly spot, hidden from view by the desk, with enough space that he could properly work charms, and made of stone so nothing could burn down.

He set the Horned God statue down, murmuring a chant to protect it and then picked up his Triple Goddess engraving, propping it up against the wall. He set out his crystals and various herbs and flowers, that his father had graciously enchanted so that they wouldn't die, along with his athame and bowl, candles, nonmagical but still magickal wand(really just a carved and painted paintbrush handle), and a few other items.

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