5 + 1 (One Day At A Time)

18 2 0

Alright so I'm posting this here first mainly so Winchester_At_Heart can see easily see it but it will soon be up on Ao3 (archiveofourown.org) as well.

I know this is long, sorry, but stick through the end please.

Warnings: Cursing, drug use, various sexual innudenos, and a bit of homophobic language at the end.

5 Times Alex Wore Makeup and no extra 1 because this is like, 8000 words long

Alex stood in the bathroom, holding his phone. Click and...Flash! He readjusted, tilting his head back and smirking a little. Click and...Flash! Mirror selfies could be difficult, but once you mastered them like he had, it opened a whole new world.

He reversed the camera, stepping out into the hallway in front of the blank wall. A finger rested on his smirking lips like he was telling a secret as he held the phone above him at an angle. And...Click! He shifted, moving his hand to rest in his hair and lifted an eyebrow in invitation. And...Click!

Alex stepped back into the bathroom, setting his phone down on the counter. He picked up the comb and ran it through his hair a couple times. As he did, his eyes strayed to the makeup his Abuelita had left out. There were colorful tubes and dark pencils and little boxes full of colored powder. His hand drifted down and picked one up, running his fingers over the bolded lettering.

"I wonder..." He muttered, looking back at himself in the mirror. He flipped open the lid, picking up the little brush that came with it. Letting out a small, nervous laugh, he covered it in silver power and closed one eye. He brought the brush up and swiped it along his eyelid. It left a little silver streak when he took his hand away. Before he knew it, he was using the brush again, covering his eyelid with the soft silver sheen. It looked okay, he thought, opening and closing his eye repeatedly.

Quickly, he did the other eye and set the brush down. The silver powder looked good against his skin and he grabbed his phone and one of the little pencils, looking up a short tutorial on how to apply eyeliner. With his phone balanced on the faucet so he could see it, he followed the instructor and applied the pencil to his eyelid. It was a little scary, putting a sharp stick just a few millimeters away from his eye.

He set the pencil back down, tilting his head as he looked at the makeup in the mirror. It needed something else... Something to pull it all together...

His eyes fell on the little red tube. He unscrewed the cap, squeezing a little lipgloss out. It was a light red, not quite pink, and just slightly shimmery. He opened his mouth and ran the tube along his bottom lip. It tasted fruity, like if tropical cherries existed. Popping his lips together to spread it to the top lip, his picked up his phone and turned on the camera.

A couple of selfies wouldn't hurt, right? He looked good and no one was going to see them anyways.

He parted his lips again, just a little this time, and gave the camera a sultry look. And...Click! The photo snapped and saved to his gallery. Lifting a hand up so his fingers could rest against his chin in a slightly more feminine way than usual, he bit his lip and looked at the camera through his eyelashes. And...Click! In the last photo, he stepped out again, leaning against the wall. He set the phone against a bookshelf so it could capture his whole torso and leaned back, crossing his arms over his ribcage and looking off in the distance. As a last feature, he rested his tongue against his top lip in a thoughtful way, tasting the tropical fruit once more. 3...2...1...Click!

He picked up his phone again and opened the gallery. All his recent photos popped up and he pressed on the one he just took, watching as he filled his screen. It was actually a really good photo, and with a little editing, he might be able to post it. Well. Except for the fact that he was wearing makeup in it. With a small sigh, he swiped, checking out his other photos. The makeup actually looked really good and he found himself wishing he could post them to his Instagram. Instead, he selected one of his earlier mirror selfies and posted that one instead.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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