You're pink- Phan

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So ummm guess what? I'm writing a oneshot that's officially about synesthesia. Yea I know, its weird and, Meep why do we want to read weird stuff? Well too fucking bad, if you don't wanna read it, then skip the chapter. Anyways, that just what I wanted to say, cause like, I kinda feel like I'm annoying people with all the talk about synesthesia.

Dan hurried down the sidewalk. He kept his head down and tried not to look at anything but his feet racing along the cement.

He rounded the corner and ran into a soft, warm wall. Except, walls weren't soft or warm. Dan looked up into bright blue eyes.

"Sorry!" The person exclaimed and Dan gaped. The other guy had hair like a cloudy night sky and eyes that were the color of the sky just before twilight. His voice was a beautiful shade of pink, a soft color with a tinge of silver bells and dark blue cashmere at the edges.

"I-I-I-you're pink!" Dan exclaimed and turned bright red. "Sorry!" He slapped a hand over his mouth and ran off, leaving the amazing person looking after him in confusion.

You idiot, he thought. "You're pink" is literally the stupidest thing we could have said. We should have just kept quiet. Dan shook his head to clear the cobwebs sticking to his thoughts and took a gulp of the coffee he was holding.

He entered the art studio and took his place behind the easel in the back of the room. Other students filed in quickly and took their places. Miss Angelica entered and addressed the class.

"Everyone, I want you to finish up your projects today. Please turn them in by the end of class. If you think you need more time, please come talk to me now. Begin."

Dan grabbed his brush and paints. He clamped his headphones over his ears and turned up the volume of his music. He took a moment to study his canvas.

They had been given three class periods to paint anything they wanted and Dan had so far spent two class periods staring at the blank expanse trying to think of something to paint.

The man he had run into entered his mind. No. He pushed the thought away.

He tried to think of something else but gave up when nothing presented itself in his mind. Dan grabbed the white and red paints and began mixing them, trying to find the right shade of pink.

Almost an hour later, at the end of the period, Dan had completed his painting. The background of light pink was streaked with metallic sliver. Deep, dark blue was blended into the edges, creating an almost frame like effect that smoothed into the pink. Hints of sky blue billowed around the silver, and small dots of jet black paint lay in patterns across the canvas.

Miss Angelica swept through the room, inspecting peoples easels. She stopped at each person, writing down a grade on her clipboard. The purple with hints of green and pastel orange woman approached Dan and he nervously held his breath.

"Ah yes. Daniel Howell. The new kid." She said, running her pen down and tapping his name. "Alright let's see your first work in here," and she stepped around to look at the drying paint.

Her eyes widened as she took in the swooping colors. "This is...wonderful. What was your inspiration?" She scanned the canvas again and marked down an A next to his name.

Dan shrugged. "I the colors." He said, thinking back to the pink man.


"Mmmm this is good." Dan muttered to himself as he took a bite of the orange spice muffin. It tasted like autumn mornings, with colorful leaves and cool fog, and a hint of rain. He took a drink of hot chocolate to wash down the pastry. The brown liquid, that tasted sweet, like the color fushia, ran down his throat and burned it slightly.

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