Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf

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"Well, see you on the dueling ground
That is, unless you wanna step outside and go now." I said to George Eacker. My name is Philip (I am a poet) Hamilton. George was disrespecting my father and I can't have that.

"I know where to find you, piss off, I’m watchin’ this show now." He says and waves me off.

I stand in the parlor with my father. "I came to ask you for advice, this is my very first duel. They don’t exactly cover this subject in boarding school." I say.

"Did your friends attempt to negotiate a peace?" My father asks as he paces around. "He refused to apologize, we had to let the peace talks cease."

"Where is this happening?"

"Across the river, in Jersey" I say and my and my father both say, "Everything is legal in New Jersey!"

He finally stops pacing and sighs. "Alright, so this is what you’re gonna do. Stand there like a man until Eacker is in front of you. When the time comes, fire your weapon in the air. This will put an end to the whole affair. Come back home when you’re done. Take my guns, be smart, make me proud, son"

I nervously arrive at the dueling ground. We take our positions. I take in a deep breath.

1 lift my gun

2 stare him in the eye

3 summon all my courage

4 pray that I'll survive

5 lift my gun towards the sky

6 take a deep breath

7 pain.

Black, crushing pain. A gunshot. 7. Pain, more pain. And darkness.

I barely stay concious on the way to the doctors.

"Where’s my son?" Comes the frantic voice of my father.

"Pa?" I say weakly. "I did exactly as you said, Pa. I held my head up high." The pain from my wound radiates throughout my body.

"I know you did everything just right, shh" he says, trying to quiet me.

I can tell that I'm not going to survive this. I can feel the bullet lodged inside me, a poison that's slowly shattering my soul.

"Even before we got to ten I was aiming for the sky-" I cut off and cough feebly. Wet spatters on my lips, and I don't know if its blood or not.

"Is he breathing, is he going to survive this?" My mother bursts into the hospital ward. I smile faintly.

"Mom, I’m so sorry for forgetting what you taught me." I can't remember all the notes to my favorite song. "We played piano. You would put your hands on mine." She grabs my hand and kisses the back of it softly. Blackness is enroaching on the edges of my vision.

"Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf" My mother sings. I whisper out after her.

"Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf." I'm dying, I know it, and she can feel it too. The pain overcomes me as she says it again.

"Un-deux-trois-" I say before everything fades away. I see them, my father and mother, by my side and I'm at peace. I may not have had the longest life, but it was a nice one for how short it was. My eyes close and I slip into oblivion.

A bright white light shines on my face. I blink and look up. A man is standing above me.

"Hello Philip. I'm John Laurens."

You're welcome? Idk. Sorrynotsorry. For those non Hamilton fans out there, this was one of the death scenes from the musical from the POV of the dying person. I almost cried. Philip, my dead son....😭😭😭

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