You were mine -Lams

27 0 15

Sorry in advance

Laurens sat at a table in the back. He watched Alex and Eliza sweep around on the dance floor together. He picked up his drink and swirled it, before tipping his head back and downing the rest of this alcohol.

Here he was, at a wedding, for his lover, who was marrying another. He knew that it would never be accepted by people if he and Alex had married, they would probably have been hung, but one could imagine.

A tear fell down his face as he remembered their time together.

"Alex!" John laughed as the other man pushed him back onto a cot and tickled him. "Stop that!" He said in between fits of giggles. Alex grinned wolfishly down at him. "Nope!" He said, as his fingers moved across John's torso and he leaned down and pecked Johns lips.
They sat just outside their shared tent, watching the sunrise. John sighed happily and intertwined his and Alex's fingers. "I love you" Alex whispered and he lay his head on Johns shoulder. The sun rose in a soft spread of orange and yellow, pink tinting the blue clouds, and the morning air surrounded them in a crisp, cold embrace. "I love you too." John muttered into the top of Alex's head.
Alex smirked at John from across the meeting table. His foot crept up John's leg and pressed lightly against his crotch. John glared at Alex, who simply grinned wider. "Laurens, can you assemble your men by the 14th?" Washington barked and John nodded. "Yea I think I can." His voice squeaked higher on 'think' as Alex rubbed his foot in a circle.
After the meeting was adjourned, John caught up to Alex as they left the small room. "You are so going to pay for that." He hissed in Alex's ear, who's eyes widened and he licked his lips. "Can't wait for tonight." Alex whispered back.
"Give me back my helmet!" John chased Alex around the tents, screaming for his armor to he returned. "Nope!" Alex giggled as he spead up. The Marquis de Lafayette laughed as he watched the two run around. "Mon ami, give it up. John will catch you eventually." He called out and Alex pouted. "Oh alright." He sighed and handed the helmet back to John. "Thank you." He said, snatching the helmet away. "You owe me now John." Lafayette said as he walked away and John groaned in exasperation.
John crept into his tent and knelt by Alex's cot. He gently shook the man awake. "Hello darling. I'm back." He whispered as the chocolate brown eyes blinked open at him. They widened and Alex flung himself up, hugging John tightly around his neck. "You're safe." He choked out, a few tears slipping down onto John's neck. John hugged tightly back. "We won the battle." He muttered into Alex's neck.
That night they made love slowly, Alex marked his freckles with burning butterfly kisses. They wrapped up in each others embrace, wishing that they could stay like that forever. "You're mine." Alex whispered into John's ear.

Laurens stood up and made his way out of the reception hall. He sobbed as he slumped against the balcony, taking in deep breaths of the fresh night air. Tears flowed freely down his face as he remembered every moment they had ever spent together, even the bad moments. They left cold trails along his cheeks and heart.

He tipped his head back and stared at the constellations above his head. "You we're mine." He whispered as he stared up at the stars that he and Alex used study for hours on end.

"And never will be again." He said as he looked down at the ground a few stories below and made a decision.



Well. If I just killed anyone's heart, you are free to yell at me in the comments.

Also, how good is my drawing, its the one up at the top. I found it online and wanted to try to recreate it. Mine is the top photo btw.

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