midsummer's eve(whichever gay ship you have(originally written as phan))

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He painted with red

The other with words

With silver brushes and sharpened pencils

On pale canvasses

They meet under a full moon

On a midsummer's eve

Beside a meadow

Deep in the woods

They grew to be close

They would write

And paint

Often with each other

But one day the painter drew too hard

And the writer was left by himself

So he wrote and he wrote

Until he was lost in a swirl of words

But even as they were reunited

They were torn apart

As they walked they came near one another

But neither saw the other

For painters and writers can only meet

Under a full moon

By a meadow

On midsummer's eve

So that was probably super shitty cause I wrote it at 12:42 am whilst listening to my friends talk about candy. Sorry you had to endure that shit. Hopefully the next one will be better.

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