Chapter 2

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A/N: I'm back with more! Enjoy!

Tris POV

When I arrive, everyone is here except for Uriah and Zeke. They finally come in at 6:45.

"Sorry were late," says Zeke. "Uriah is the worst driver ever. I think a turtle passed us on the way here."

"Well we would've been here 20 minutes ago if you didn't make me stop at McDonalds to get a milkshake!" screamed Uriah

"Boys enough of that!" yells Molly "Let's get started.

Will said, "It only makes sense that first jumper, Tris, goes first."

Since no one objects, I ask "Al, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." He says without any hesitation.

I say, "Ok. I dare you to stack 3 baseballs, and then run around the pit screaming, "My snowman shrunk!" Then throw the balls at the next person you see and run away."

"I have some baseballs in the closet." Says Will. "Let me go get them."

When Will returns with the balls, I say, "I'll film it."

After he ran around screaming, Eric walked by. Al threw the balls at him and ran. I showed the video to everyone else, and they died laughing.

After the laughing ended, Al said, "Marlene, C or D."

"Candor," she said not hesitantly. "I don't trust you."

'Pansycake!" Uriah yells.

When I ask what that is, Zeke says, "It is an old saying that Uriah is trying to bring back. Any time someone does something non-dauntless, he calls them a pansycake."

"Ok then." Says Al. "If you could kiss one person in this room, who would it be?"

"Easy! Uriah!" says Marlene instantly. "Let's see" Four, Candor or Daunt-"

Tobias, without even letting Marlene finish, Says "Dauntless"

Marlene says, "I dare you to tell me, and everyone in here, your real name."

A/N: End of Chapter 2. Come back if you want to read the rest.

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