Chapter 8

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Tobias runs in. "Guys come quick its awful!"

We all run out into the pit. When we get to the chasm, there's Christina, hanging over the edge.

"What happened!?" We all ask simultaneously.

"Eric made her hang there when he saw pants on her head. now help me pull her back up." Tobias said.


We're finally back and Christina put her pants back on normally. She then asks, "Uriah, you know the question."

"And you know the answer." He responds.

Christina says "Right, anyway, I dare you to call the mall and ask if you can use their bathroom. Put them on speaker."


He dials the number. (312)-974-0088. They say, "Chicago Mall how may we help you?" Uriah responds, "Not much I just was wondering if I could use your bathroom."

"I'm sorry," they say. "Our bathrooms are only open to people who don't prank call us." They hang up.

We all laugh hysterically. After a few minutes, Uriah says, "John, Candor or Dauntless?"

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