Chapter 16

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A/N: Hey everyone I'm back. This is the last chapter besides the epilogue.
3:37 approaches so I return to Will's to finish the game. I get there right before Christina and she's the last one.

"Uriah, C or D?" asks Zeke.

"Take a guess." says Uriah.

"I dare you to...

take off your shirt and run around the Pit acting like a monkey."

"My body is for me to see, and for me to see only." He says and removes his undershirt.

"Well you're showing all of us right now." says Zeke.

"But I know you guys. Four, Candor or Dauntless."


"I dare you to go dump boiling water on Eric's head."

"Ok whatever." I hear him say, but I also can hear him mumble "yes" under his breath.

Tobias POV

Will comes in with a pot of boiling water, and I exit into the Pit. After a few minutes, I spot Eric by the chasm. As I walk to him, he sees me and says, "Ah, Four. I was needing to talk to you so, about that job thing, were you thinking guarding the fence, or sta..." I don't let him finish. I dump the water on his head, and start to run when I hear him scream. As I think I have gotten away, I feel his arms around my neck yanking me backwards. I try to fight back, but he's too big. I look around, and see that he's taking me to the chasm. Not good. When we arrive, he throws me in, but I grab the railing. I grab his leg to pull myself back up, but he yanks his leg loose. He kicks the railing, hard, which makes my right hand come off. Too bad I'm right-handed. As I'm struggling to hang on Eric is pulling a gun and pointing it at my head. As soon as I realize that I'm about to be dead, I see Eric's gun being pulled away from him and his large, tattooed body flying above me into the bottomless pit known as the chasm. I look above me to find Christina, Tris, Uriah, Zeke and Max standing there, Max holding Eric's gun. I see this, and can't help but saying, "Perfect timing."

'No. We saw that you'd been out here a while and heard a loud bang against the railing so we ran out here." says Max.

"Thanks. Now get me up there with you guys."

Max, Uriah, and Zeke pull me to my feet, and we walk back to continue.

Tris POV

"Will, Candor or Dauntless?" Tobias asks.


"I dare you to call Cara and ask for some cheese buns."

He instantly calls Cara, but she doesn't answer the phone. "Does that count?" he asks.

"No," we all agree.

"Ok so I dare you to drink a bottle of soy sauce."

He does, and then asks, "Peter, C or D?"

"Dauntless," says Peter.

"Hey! You forgot to sing!"

"Well, I'm sick of that dare." He removes his next clothing item.

"I dare you to kiss Uriah."

'What! No!"

Before Peter has a chance to do something, Uriah is already kissing Peter. We all cringe at the sight of two guys kissing, but oh well.

"I hate you! Candor or Dauntless Max?"


"Who's your crush?"

"Johanna Reyes." Although she is Peters too, he doesn't seem to mind. "Four, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless," he says.

"I dare you to do twenty push-ups."

He does them, and then says, "after this, I say we go home."

Everyone nods, then he says, "Tris, Candor or Dauntless?"


He gets down on a knee, and asks, " Tris Prior, will you marry me?" He pulls a shiny diamond ring out of his pocket and puts it on my finger.

I stay in shock for a minute, then I reply with the only thing that I can get out of me, "yes."

A/N: Did you expect that? Epilogue will be wedding and after. Bye.

Candor or DauntlessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon