Chapter 14

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A/N: Back already! I had some free time, so why not update?

We call for Eric, and he comes instantly with two other Dauntless guards. I tell them to bring ropes because someone fell in, and they later return with a super long rope. Eric goes down into the chasm, and yells up, "your good! Pull him up!" The two guards pull up the person. I can't see them at first, but when I do, I almost faint. Al.

Eric gets back up, and says, "he clearly committed suicide. He was to far in there to have fell."

"It's all my fault." I say to Tobias. "If only I forgave him, he would still be here."

"It was his choice to jump," says Tobias

"Well he wouldn't have had that choice in mind if I had only forgiven him." I try to forget as we go back to Will's apartment, but the thought stays locked in my mind.

We're back at Will's, and trying to just forget that, Tobias asks, "Will, C or D?"

"Dauntless," says Will

"I dare you to go into the Pit and hug everyone you see for 2 minutes."

"Ok," he says. "Four, come with."

Tobias POV

In the Pit, Will finds four people I don't know and hugs them. He then finds Lauren, hugs her, then we realize time is up, so we return.

Tris POV

They return, and Will asks, "Max, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless," he says.

Will replies "I dare you to call a random number and declare your love for them no matter the gender."

Max says nothing. He just pulls out his phone and dials a random number. They pick up, and he puts them on speaker.

"Hello?" Says the deep man voice on the other end.

"Hi. I just wanted you to know that I love you, and I never want to lose you."

"Max?" The other voice says. It's Eric. "Who put you on peace serum?"

"Oh, no one Eric, I just wanted to let you know that. Bye bye now." He says and hangs up.

"I'm going to get you back," he says. "So Will, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Hey," says Will. "New rule. You can't ask the person who just asked you."

Everyone but Max agrees, so he turns to Peter and says, "Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless," he sings.

"I dare you to let Tris cut your hair."

Before he can answer, I run and get some scissors and get to cutting. I cut out the words, 'I like unicorns, and mermaids'. He looks in the mirror, then tries to punch me, but I catch his arm and stop him. when he finally calms down he asks, "Stiff, Candor or Dauntless?"

A/N: Sorry guys, I'm now having writers block, so updates may not come often, and if they do, they probably won't be very good.

Please review or PM some dare ideas so I can continue to write. You will get a shoutout if you do. Please follow and favorite, and I'll be back with you soon.

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