Chapter 4 (four, like the number?)

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Disclaimer: Duuuuhhh!

Tris POV

Zeke says, "Ok, let's see. Oh yes. Once, My friend Jack's dad told him to put his information in his computer. When his dad went to find it, he couldn't find it in any of the files. Jack came by and busted his computer, which was where the info was. I was having a sleepover that night, and I'm so glad I was."

"Wow," said Christina.

Zeke said, "Uriah, I dare you to-

He's cut off by Uriah. "How do you know I'm not choosing Candor this time?" He asked.

"First off," said Zeke, "You always call us a pansycake. Second, you never choose Candor"

"Well this time I might!" said Uriah.

Zeke asked, "Fine Uriah, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless," he said.

"I knew it. Anyway, I dare you to wash Christina's feet." said Zeke.

"OK," said Uriah "Easy."

"But wait!" says Zeke as Uriah runs to get a rag. "Not with a rag, with your tongue."

"Eww!" says Uriah, but he seems to have a happy feeling. "Let's get this over with."

He licks Christina's feet, then starts gagging. He runs to the bathroom. When he comes back, he has a glass of soapy water that he's drinking.

"Tris, Can- bluh. Cando- bluh. You know what."

"Daunt bluh."I say. Everyone starts laughing.

"I dare you to gargle a sip of boiling water." He says.

"I think about it for a minute, then decide that it's not too bad. As I sip, my tongue blisters and burns. "Pete, which one?"

"Dauntless." Peter says.

"I dare you to put ice down your pants."

"OK!" peter yells as he runs to the kitchen and comes back with some ice, dumping it down his pants. He shivers and says. ",Mar... Marle... Marlene,"

"I won't make you finish." Marlene says. "Dauntless"

Peter says, "Stab som.. Stab someone..." He than grabs a piece of paper and starts writing. When he's done, he shows the group. It reads, "Marlene, I dare you to stab someone in the eye with a butterknife."

Marlene says, "Not today boy. I aint no psychopath." She takes off her jacket, and lays it on the clothes pile. "Molly, you know the question."

"Dauntless," she says.

"I dare you to do a handstand over the chasm."

Scared, Molly says, "Lets do this."

She and Marlene walk out into the pit, and Marlene is Videoing. 3 minutes later they come back, and Molly is breathing hard. We see the video, and this one isn't that funny. Changing subjects, Molly asks, "Will, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." says Will. "Since it's my house you can't do anything bad to me."

"Play seven minutes of heaven with Christina." Molly says.

Will stands up and says, "Malady." talking to Christina.

Seven minutes later, Zeke opens the closet door, just for us to find Will and Christina in the middle of a kiss. Before they left the closet, Will said, "babe C or D?"

"Dauntless." says Christina. "I know you'll be good to me."

Sitting down, Will said, "I dare you to eat dirt."

"Hmm. Ok." said Christina. Will leaves his apartment, and comes back a minute later with a handful of dirt and he hands it to Christina. She eats it, gags for a moment, then seems fine. "Lets go with... Al Candor or Dauntless?"

"Candor." He says.

We all look at Uriah with that "you better not face". He is really fidgety, then he runs out of the apartment. Christina asks, "What is the funniest thing you've ever seen?"

"Al chuckles a little, then says, "you!" We all die laughing, until we hear a chuckle outside the door. Christina opens the door, and there stands Uriah with a hot tea in his hands.

"Uh, hi." He says

"Get back in here!" Screams Zeke at the top of his lungs. As Uriah sits down, Al asks, "Four, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." He says

Al says, "Well, I know you won't say your real name, but I dare you to tell us who knows your real name."

Four thinks for a second, then says, "Eric, Tori, and... that's it." He winks at me. He quickly asked, "Zeke, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." He says.

Four says, "I dare you to chug a whole glass of vinegar with nothing else to drink until your next turn."

"YAY!" Screams Zeke. "Vinegar is my favorite!" He chugs it, then says, "Ah. Tris, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." I say.

"Woah a plot twist." Says Peter. "The stiff. Dauntless. Wow."

Zeke comes back with, " I dare you to go around the pit asking people if they can help you find your eyeballs because you don't see them anywhere."

"Eh. Why not," I say. "Who's filming?"

"I will." says Will.

I find Lynn. I say, "Excuse me, Lynn. I need some help. When I woke up this morning, I didn't see my eyeballs anywhere and I still can't find them. Will you help?

"Of course." Lynn says. "What color are they?"

"Blue-grey" I say.

"Oh really?" she asks. "I thought they were black, or at least, they're about to be!" She threw a punch at me, but I dodged. I knocked her to the ground and went back to the pit. They saw the video, but before they could start laughing, I asked, "Uriah Candor or Dauntless?"

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