Chapter 11

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"Dauntless," says Zeke

Max is quick to come up with a dare. "I dare you to take off your brothers socks with your teeth."

"Alright," says Zeke.

Uriah takes off his shoes. There is mold on the toe of one sock and on the heel of the other.

"I uh, I changed my mind," says Zeke. He's done every dare so far, so he has to remove his jacket. "Tris, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." I say.

"I dare you to go into the pit, stand by the dorms, and sing I'm a little teapot and do the dance."

"Ok," I say. "Can you do it right here for me? I forgot how." I turn to Christina and wink. We both know I didn't forget. I just wanted to see Zeke do it. I'm afraid my plan wouldn't work, but Zeke gets up and goes to the middle of the circle.

I pull out my phone and start filming. "Why are you filming?" asks Zeke.

"Incase I forget again I can just watch the video," I say. Of course that's not why though.

Zeke sings, "I'm a little teapot short and stout. here is my handle here is my spout. When I get all steamed up hear me shout. Tip me over and pour me out!" while doing the moves.

"Thank you," I say. "I'm not going to forget again, but I don't want to waste this video. I might as well post it somewhere, like on all my social medias. In fact, I think I will." When I finish posting, all my friends get a notification that I updated all of my statuses.

Zeke looks angry, and says, "Go do it now."

I enter the pit with Will and Christina, who don't even pay attention to me because they're flirting the whole time. When we return, I ask, "Christina, C or D?"

"Dauntless," is her response

"I dare you to blend up a lemon, skin and all, and drink it."

"Not to bad," says Christina

Christina throws in a lemon and blends it. "Bon appetite" she says as she sits back down. She drinks it, and makes a pucker face. It takes 10 minutes, but she finally gets it down. "Peter, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless baby!" Peter sings because of his dare.

"I dare you to lick your foot."

"Good thing I got a shower before I came." Peter says, still singing. He licks it, and doesn't really have a reaction. "Uriah, Candor or dauntless?"

Uriah says, "Duh- auntless."

"I dare you to go to Eric and ask to borrow a toilet brush," sings Peter.

"Sorry," says Uriah. "I would, but I already asked him last week. He didn't have one to borrow. Will, Candor or Dauntless?"

He doesn't answer. We are all staring at him in disgust. "Dauntless," he finally answers.

"I dare you to go around the pit with a big ball of chocolate trying to sell it."

"Ok," says Will. He chooses Christina to go film, and they leave.

They return laughing, and show us the video:

He instantly finds Lynn. "Excuse me Lynn, but would you like to buy this chocolate. It costs 5 points."

"Certainly," says Lynn, getting 5 points ready. She gives them to Will, and he hands her the chocolate. Then they return.

After about 7 minutes of hysterical laughter, Will says, "It's getting late. Why don't we all go home and come back tomorrow? We'll start with me."

We all agree and walk out the door. As I'm leaving, I realize something. We left our clothes. I call everyone back in to get their clothes, then we exit.

Candor or DauntlessWhere stories live. Discover now