Before Bastille (Dan Smith fan fic)

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A/N Hi. This is my first fan fiction so I apologise if it's not great.

(So I re-read some parts over and gave realised how shit it is - I still have no idea why it has votes, but never mind. I really cringe whenever I see anything of this story, but I'm not going to delete it, as I might re-do/edit it one day. I also like to see how my writing has changed. :) )

Before Bastille, the thought of performing made Dan Smith sick. It was almost the end of sixth form, he could get a new start, but he still had 5 months to go. He was no one, just a shy kid who went to the music room everyday after school. That was until Erica overheard him singing. Erica promises to herself that she will get Dan to show his talent, even if that means getting him very drunk, very fast...

Before Bastille (Dan Smith fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz