Chapter Two

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Chapter two


He was sat, hunched over a computer rapidly tapping the keyboard.

"What is he doing."

Natalia sat next to me. We were leaning against a bookshelf opposite the computers.

Free period was boring and we weren't aloud on the computers unless it was for studying.

This sucked. Natalia offered me some more Pringles. I took a handful and placed them on my knee.

Sour cream, my favourite.

Smithy looked up and we both laughed. I don't know why, there was just something comical about it. Why was he so serious, it was only school work.

I don't know why he was bothering anyway, school was almost over.

Natalia handed me a pair of bright pink earphones and we listened to some music through a double earphone connector.

My hair kept getting tangled up in the earphones, but we nodded along to the music anyway.

I laughed along with her at the loud senseless music.



I felt paranoid. They were laughing and most likely at me. In fact, I knew they were laughing at me. And I could smell the Pringles from here.

I hated sour cream.

Scribbling some quick notes down, I turned back to the computer, I had thought up another line, well, most of one.

And you thought the lions were bad, well they tried to kill...

And that's where I get stuck. I don't know who they tried to kill. Nothing fits. But I heard something like that in a story before. I just had to find it.

I was now browsing the internet in hopes of an answer.

As a last try I looked through the pictures that came up. I clicked on a link from one of the images.

The link took me to a large white page covered in writing, and at the top, it read "Daniel in the lions den."

I quickly scribbled the title down before skimming over the story.

Too soon bell rang for second period. I grabbed my bag and shut down the computer. Tucking away my notepad I had written, and you thought the lions were bad, well they tried to kill my brothers...



Sorry this chapter's a short one, but they are easier to write and I update more often :) I hope you guys are liking this so far :)

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