Chapter Nine

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Chapter nine


"Hey Smithy!"

I hurried down the hallway as people yelled out. The pencil hit me again, it never failed.

I got to my locker to grab my books. A piece if white paper is wedged between them. I grabbed it and stuffed it in my bag.


I went to the music room to practise. I wonder if Erica will be there.

Almost forgetting, I grab the letter out of my bag.

Dan, here is my number, I got grounded because of yesterday.


P.S Call me :)

I turned the letter over, on the back, Erica had written her number.


Her phone only rang twice before she picked it up.


"Um, Hi-"

"Hi Dan! Sorry I couldn't practise after school. My mum came to pick me up!"

"Oh um, it's fine..."

"Don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow though!"

"Um ok... Why did you want me to um call you?"

"Er... Do you have FaceTime?"

I did, but...


"That's okay...Dan?"


This conversation was so painfully awkward.

"Will you play for me?"

"What do you mean? How can I if-?"

"Play over the phone?"



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, double update today ( if the wifi actually works long enough for once ). Thanks for reading and voting for this story guys :)

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