Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter eighteen


Seven thirty. I was here, in school, on the last day, at seven thirty. What was I thinking.

Last night, I had burnt the recording I had taken of Foe, onto a cd.

Walking up to the head mistresses office, I wondered whether I was doing the right thing. I was about to knock on the door, but withdrew my hand.

With the only ounce of courage I had left. I gingerly tapped the oak.


"So, at the end of the day, you want me, to play that" she gestured towards the cd, "for everyone to hear?"

I nodded.

"I'll see, I'll have to listen to it first though..."

"Ok, Thank you Miss!"

In my new high mood, I skipped into the hallway.

What time is it now? Urgh, only eight. School doesn't start until quarter to nine.

Stupid person, why did I have to get here so early-

"Hey Erica!"

Why was Natalia here so early. I asked her exactly that.

"I'm always here early." She was confused, "I get the train remember!"

"Oh yeah, sorry Nat, I'm tired."

"It's fine, is you plan gonna work?"

"What plan?"

How did she know?

"You came in early, you never come in early, besides, I saw you in the Head's office."

"Oh, sorry Nat, I can't tell anyone, you'll find out later!"


The good thing about Natalia, is that if your her friend, then she's the best possible person. The not so great thing, she's very judgemental, I had found that out when I first moved here. She still thinks Dan is weird.

After forty minutes of chatting, Mrs Finley practically skipped into the room.

"Right class. Today is the last day, after that you're done, you're finished, so think, keep in contact with your friends, get a good job!"

She was in a good mood today. That was... good. We had no lessons so she had us all day. Her enthusiasm would soon wear off.


I had kept checking my watch, three twenty. It was time.

"Hello students!" Her voice was too happy, it still scared me.

"This morning I had a special request to play something for you all on your last day." The headmistress' voice echoed through the school.

Natalia and I shared a look.

Dan was sat scribbling in his notebook unsuspectingly.

He only really began to pay attention when the first line floated through the speakers.

"Foe, without knowing you're around, when nobody's inside these thoughts of you run through me..."

I looked around the class, everyone seemed to be enjoying it, apart from Dan.

He was hunched at the front of the classroom attracting more attention rather than going unnoticed.

Then, when they song finished, they cheered. I felt a big grin plaster my face, that was until the cheesy message I had recorded at the end came on.

"Dan, you are one of the best friends I have ever known, please, don't stop singing..."

I was sat cringing in my seat as everyone looked at me. I had the urge to slam my head on the desk.

I looked over to Dan, who still wore embarrassment all over his face, but my public humiliation, had made him smile.



Oh my goodness guys, this is the penultimate chapter! I really don't want this to end, but I don't want to drag it on just for the sake of it, because then I'd just be continuing something that wouldn't be of very good quality. ( not saying it is good quality anyway though ).

I'm soooooo grateful that you guys vote and comment on this story, and I have got an idea, so would you want a sequel?

Please vote comment and share etc... :)

Before Bastille (Dan Smith fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt