Chapter Six

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Chapter six


I pulled my hood further over my head as I walked into the school.

"Hey Smithy!"

A pencil hits the back of my hood.

"Think fast!"

This is why I loved coming in late, because no one was around. They all started laughing. Natalia was the worst, and then Erica.

Erica. How could she fit in so easily? I could hardly hold a conversation with people, let alone make friends with Natalia on my first day.



I felt bad for Smithy-Dan, but I couldn't hold in a giggle when that pencil hit him.

I don't know why he didn't just tell them to stop.

Nathan walked over.

"Hey!" He high fived me then kissed Natalia on the cheek.

"How's life?"

"Awesome! Oh, I have English today, do you know where room..." I fumbled around with my timetable "room 17 is?"

"I have the same lessons as you!" Susan elbowed me.

"Oh yeah!" We linked arms as she dragged me to class.

"Uh oh," Susan sighed.


"The only seat left is next to Smithy. I'll ask Miss if you can move."

"It's alright Sue, it's only English."

She nodded and I went to sit down next to Dan.

"Hi" I whispered.

He just faced the front awkwardly.


After English, ( the last lesson of the day) I followed Dan to the music room. I didn't follow him in there though, instead, I used a pencil to wedge the door open a crack.

"Walking along, at a pace unknown to man, go, go go go go go go..."

I was so lost in thought, that I didn't realise Dan had stopped playing. Grabbing the pencil, I shut myself in a supply cupboard.

I could hear the scuffling of his converse as he walked past. Waiting for a minute to make sure he was gone, I stepped out and went home.


The next day, I did the same thing, except I didn't have to hide in the supply cupboard.

This was a hobby now, practically stalking Dan everyday after school to the music room so I could hear him play.

He was really good, and after a week, I couldn't get the song out of my head. I found myself humming it at home.

One more week, then it would be half term.



The updates will be every Friday and Saturday now. Thanks guys for 100 reads, I'm grateful it got so many this quickly. I'm sure not many people read this at the end anyway. And I'm still editing and making the chapters longer.

Thx guys :)

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