Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter nineteen


That was the most embarrassing thing in my life. Well performing drunk to a crowd of people was pretty bad, but I could hardly remember it, whereas this time, I consciously knew what was happening.

Pulling my hoodie over my face, I stride out of school ignoring people trying to compliment me.

I could finally leave behind all of the bad memories, but that meant leaving the good ones too.

Winning that competition meant that I got to spend a day in a recording studio. Erica would nag me until she was sure I would go.

She would leave before the studio day though...

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I saw one message. Erica.



Dan would be annoyed with me. I had practically humiliated him in front of the whole class.

That wouldn't be the first time, would it?

I still felt bad about that. About what happened in English.

"Where are you Dan?"

I was now stood waiting for him in the park. I say park, but it was more like a forest. Trees everywhere. This place was my secret place. I had only just told Dan about it recently.

The tree stump sat in the centre of the clearing. I hurried over to it and sat down.

Then, I saw him. Walking towards me in his usual black jeans and band-merch top.

"You have no idea how humiliating that was for me!"

"Chill Dan, it was kinda embarrassing for me too."

"But that was your choice, you chose to put your cheesy message on the end!"

I jumped up and went to storm off. Dan caught up to me easily, he was a head taller now at least. Wrapping his arms around me, we stayed, in our awkward back to front hug. The sky now cast an orange glow over the clearing.

"Dan," I turned to face him "You'll leave tomorrow won't you?"

He nodded. We sat cross legged on the tree stump tracing the lines in the bark with our fingers.

"To Leeds."

He nodded again. We both knew what would happen. I was going to Plymouth. We would practically be at opposite ends of the country.

"Dan, I don't want to say goodbye."

He continued to take an interest in the tree stump.

"They cut it down eight years ago... I-I always used to play here."

He looked down at me, his blue eyes sparkling.

Suddenly I leaned over to the point where I was practically sitting on his lap. "Promise me Dan, promise me you'll never stop singing. Promise you'll smile, make something of your life. Promise-"

I was interrupted when Dan said my name, I looked up at him and he smiled at me. His hands were weaved through my hair. He leaned in.

Then one of the most amazing things happened. Dan Smith kissed me.


~The End~



Thanks guys for reading this story. Sadly this is the end, but the good news is, there will be a sequel.

I have done a couple of chapters, but I would like to complete more before I post the story, because I want the updates to be regular, on Fridays and Saturdays. I will probably post the the sequel in a couple of weeks ( maybe one ).

I will also post a small preview of the sequel at the end of this ( maybe ).

Sorry this update was later than usual, buuuuuut, I was watching Bastille live at Radio 1's Big Weekend ( it was so wicked ).

Thank you so much for 2.5 k reads, or whatever ridiculous number it is, and 250 votes, that is awesome, sorry this note is so long.

Please, vote, comment, share, etc... If you enjoyed this story :)

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