Chapter Three

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Chapter three


Smithy was late.

I still didn't know his real name but everyone seems to call him Smithy so I will too.

Natalia and I laughed as he slid into his chair at the front. He was so awkward.

"Have you seen his hair?"

"What's so bad about-"

"Buzz-cuts are like the worst things! I mean you should only have one if your like super hot!"

That was a bit unfair, buzz cuts didn't suit anyone and Smithy wasn't bad looking. Despite that I didn't say anything.

We laughed again.

"Hey guys!"

It was Susan, one of Natalia's friends.

"Hiya Sue!

Natalia whispered something to her friend, they both giggled and continued to talk in fast whispers. I wondered whether they were talking about Smithy.

Part of me felt sorry for him, but then again, half of it was his fault.

Mrs Finley strutted into the room and the laughter died down.

"Right, as it's two weeks until half term, we will be discussing what you want to do with your life. I already know some people like Smith have already applied for places."

Mrs Finley let us chat amongst ourselves as she talked to everyone about the importance of handing in their apply slips.

Natalia surprised me by saying she had already handed her slip in and was going to study medical care up in London.

I honestly thought she had air for a brain, but she has to be quite smart if she had been offered an interview there.

I, on the other hand, still had no idea what I wanted to do, but I liked the idea of becoming a teacher.

Like Mrs Finley, but nicer. And prettier, with a better dress sense.

"Smithy wants to be a journalist, it's not gonna happen, he'll hardly be able to interview anyone anyway."

I nodded. But I couldn't tell whether she felt sympathy towards him or not. Natalia was starting to annoy me, she was so shallow. Clever or not, she was really judgemental.

"Where's Susan?"

"Dunno, I think Miss is talking to her, she didn't get good test results and none of the places have accepted her."

"Oh, what does she want to do?" Susan seemed clever to me.

"Sue wants to be a psychiatrist, but they won't accept her because she got one mark off a B in her final test." Natalia was whispering now.

"But that's good isn't it?"

Susan walked back into the room, her eyes looked slightly red.

"Apparently not... Shhhh , don't say anything!"

Susan was smiling now. "Nat, can I talk to you for a second?"

We shared a glance as Natalia skipped over.

I found myself looking back at the weird kid at the end of the front row.

Smithy probably had a hidden talent, it's just probably very, very good at hiding.



Sorry again for the short chapter. I am currently editing to make them longer, but I will only put the edited version up after this is finished :)

(Did you guys see Bastille at Coachella! :) )

Before Bastille (Dan Smith fan fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें