Chapter Five

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Chapter five


As soon as the bell rang for the end of school, I went to my locker to grab my books.

"Hi Erica, wh-"

"Can't talk now, sorry, I have the dentists!"

I felt bad about lying to Natalia, but I'm sure she'd done much worse.

Hurrying down the corridor, I headed to the music room.

Smithy was scribbling something down in his notebook.

This time, I opened the door carefully so it didn't creak. Walking up behind him, I read over his shoulder. Daniel in the lions den.

"It's a bit long."

Smithy jumped then looked slammed his notebook shut.

"The title," I pointed out, "it's a bit long."

He tucked his notebook in his bag, zipped it up, then went to leave.

"Hey wait! I'm Erica."

"Dan," he mumbled as he walked out.

Why does he stop playing every time I come over?


I decided to go to the woods; it was fairly sunny and besides, I had found this amazing place.

It was a clearing in the middle of the woods and in the middle, was an enormous tree trunk. They had cut it down when I was 10, but I still remember it.

The tree was impossibly huge, that's probably why they cut it down, it wasn't safe. The tree stump had to be at least two meters in diameter.

I sat there, with my bag just replaying the day in my head.



After hurrying back home, I took out my notebook.

I crossed out Daniel in the lions den and rewrote the title as In the den.

Erica was right, the title was too long.

Flicking the tv on, I put Twin peaks on. I watched as a pair of tweezers pulled out the letter R from underneath Laura Palmers nail.

I twiddled the pen in my fingers as another line came into my head. Felled in the night, by the ones you think you love.

In the den was almost finished.

That night I went to sleep humming a tune, a tune I could use.



Another chapter yay. Sorry they're so short, but that means I will update two chapters every Saturday.

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