Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter fifteen


I had to call my mum to collect us. It was too dark and Dan was too drunk to get home safely.

Dan had thrown up, so the car stank, all the way home.

"Oh and Erica, since you're the one who got him drunk, you'll be the one cleaning the sick out of this car!"

Luckily my mum didn't ask too many questions after that and she knew where Dan lived.

I wondered whether Dan would remember what happened when he woke up.

The next day, I called Dan. When he would be sober enough to understand.


"And after that you puked all over my converse."

"Uh... did I um, get drunk in the first place, and why is this hangover so bad again?"

The next words I spoke were very, very fast.


"Come again? Um, slower this time."

"I, um well..."

This would be hard.

"Erica, it can't be that bad."

That's the problem. It is. I took a deep breath.

"I sort of got you drunk, so you could perform to loads of people for a competition you ended up winning!" I replied sheepishly.

Dan sighed.

"At least I um, don't remember it."

"See, it wasn't that bad, and everyone though you were great."

Not wanting the awkwardness to continue any longer Dan decided to end the call.

"Okay um... Bye"

"Bye... Oh, and by the way you're also on YouTube. Bye!"

I cut him off.

I was in deep, deep sugar.



Sorry again for the shortness of these chapters, so tomorrow there will be a double update :) And sorry if I don't reply to your amazing comments, I'm just too socially awkward to even talk over the internet sometimes :/ I would constantly be thanking you guys anyway.

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