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You ducked down as his foot came to kick you, you rolled to the side and tackled his leg making him fall to the ground. You leaped on top of him, holding your knife to his throat.  He then grabbed your arm and twisted it around making you fall off him and onto the ground.

You jumped up onto your feet blocking his punches with your forearms. you jumped up for a side kick but he rolled right under you. You landed on your feet and he caught you from behind with his knifes inches away from your throat, there was no escape. 

"Finish it" said Yamato sternly, the boy let you go turned you around and cut you with his knife across your cheek.

"Really?" you said touching the cut on your cheek, it was deep "go deeper next time, i'm not a kid anymore, you don't have to protect me anymore. Deeper next time ok Ja'far?"

"Yeah ok," said Ja'far.

"You're both excellent student, (Y/N) you still need to work on your timing, every second counts, loosing is not an option, do you understand?" said Yamato your fighting instructor.

"Yes sir i'm sorry" you said bowing to your teacher.

"Ja'far, your foot work is still sloppy, you better get better fast, understood?"

"Yes sensei" he said plainly.


You walked with Ja'far through the open yard of Sham Lash. kids were training with their weapons or even bare handed, you stopped next to two little kids fighting with knifes. They looked as if they were 6 and 8 years old, the little one was fast and flexible and moved with agility, while the big one moved around using his strength to his advantage. The little one slipped under the bigger ones legs cutting through his flesh, the big one fell to the ground in pain.

"Good job  Akihiro" said their trainer, he then looked at you and said "(Y/N) would you please tell Akihiro what he must do to stay here in Sham Lash" he said gesturing to the little one.

You walked to the little one bending down to be at his eye level. "Akihiro, is this your brother?" you asked him, he nodded "Sham Lash is an elite organization for only the best assassins. We show no mercy. To prove you Are true to your duties here in sham Lash you must kill you brother" you said looking into his little eyes.

He walked over to the bigger boy still on the ground, he stood over him and slashed his throat. He bowed to his trainer not shedding a tear. He then looked at you with empty eyes and walked away.

"He reminds me of someone" said ja'far 

"Cut it out Ja'far i know you're talking about me, just spit it out" you snapped at him.

"It reminded you didn't it, about your brothers," he said looking at you.

It was true that boy did remind you of the time you too had to kill your brothers, all seven of them, you never shed a single tear, you wouldn't let yourself.

"Yeah so what, it's in the past." you said coldly walking towards your house, Ja'far following.

Even though you are only 10 you acted as if you were 15, Ja'far was the same age as you, you remembered when you and Ja'far were just kids, When he was 6, how he had to kill his own parents, ever since he lived with you and your father.

"kids" said your father as the two of you walked in. 

"Yes father" you said standing in front of him, as you know you both of you are at the age of 10, which means you have to prove your worth to Sham Lash.

"In what sort of way?" asked Ja'far.

"You will each be given a mission much harder than any one before, don't worry you will be taking your team with you, you must complete you mission to advance in Sham Lash."

After a child in Sham Lash kills their family members they receive a team of assassins. You didn't have to kill your father since he was one of the members of the committee of Sham Lash. Your mother had died on a mission when you were just a baby.

"When?" you asked, "one month" he said "right" you said with determination, you were gonna pass this mission, you couldn't lose, it was not an option.

~One Month Later~

"Good luck Ja'far" you said to him in a slightly sad voice as he wrapped his arms in his bandages and covered his face with his mask. 

"Don't worry (Y/N), i'll come back, i promise" he said and walked out the door. "Ok, but remember you promised" you whispered to yourself as you saw the only person you cared about walk away.

Ja'far was given a mission to work for the emperor of Reim. Apparently there was a very powerful traitor and criminal of Parthevia that Reim was after, so they hired a team from us, Sham Lash. Seeing as Ja'far was one of our best and he needed to take his trials, the committee decided to send Ja'far and his team.

About 2 weeks passed since Ja'far left, and you were getting worried. You weren't the only one to worry either, Shaka one one of Sham Lash's high committee members decided to take his team to look for Ja'far.

'It's been a few days since Shaka left, i wonder how Ja'far is?'  you thought as you practiced your kicking and punches on a dummy. You didn't even think he failed, you knew Ja'far would never fail, he never gave up, it was just his nature.

Your father came into the training area and said "(Y/N), Shaka and his team are back from the north, he has requested your presence" 

You rushed to the meeting room desperate to see Ja'far again. 

You walked into the room to see Shaka and a few other members of the committee talking. "Ah, (Y/N) thank you for coming" said Shaka smiling at you, "Where's Ja'far" you said said sternly not smiling back, "My my what a serious girl" he said chuckling, 

"well (Y/N) you see Ja'far has failed to succeed his mission and has decided to join forces with the enemy, however......" you ran out the door not caring what he was going to say next, you ran as fast as you could not knowing where you were running, you just ran. 

"Why ja'far, why?" you said coming to a stop, "why?" you let your head fall down so your chin touched your chest as a single tear ran down your cheek and fell onto the ground.

That was the first time you had ever cried in your whole life.

~A Few Weeks Later~

"DIE!" you screamed as you slit the throat of the 1000th man you had to kill. His body fell to the ground. 

1000 men, all of which were killed by a single child, (Y/N).

"Congratulations! (Y/N)! you are Sham Lash's very first child to complete their trials within one single night, we all congratulate you and welcome you with open arms into Sham Lash" said Shaka he and the other members of the committee then gave you the Sham Lash salute, you did the same symbolizing your acceptance and loyalty.

You would not fail. You were not like Ja'far. Loosing was never and never will be an option.

The Past Can Haunt (Jafar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now