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"Oh (Y/N) let me introduce you to my dear friend Aladdin!" said Sinbad smiling at the little blue haired boy standing in the doorway.

'This little punk! what the fuck is he doing here?! fuck he'll tell Sinbad he met me, that could raise suspicion and ruin my plan! son of a bitch, i gotta be nice now, ok here goes'  "Oh, hello there my names (Y/N), it's very nice to meet you!' you said getting up and giving him a little bow.

"Y-you..." he started, you looked at him pleadingly as you mouthed the words 'please?'

-Aladdin's Pov-

The girl who now called herself (Y/N) looked at you with a pleading look as she mouthed the words 'please?',  'Who is this girl? ok well, lets see what she has to say,'

-(Y/N)'s Pov-

"You... have... a very nice dress!" he said coming up with an excuse. 'good he got it',  "My name's aladdin!" he said smiling. "So Aladdin, what was it you came here for?" said Sinbad, "Oh you might want to run, Ja'far's looking for you, he looked pretty pissed" said Aladdin.

"Oh i umm.... (Y/N) i.... um i have to go.... it was very nice talking to you" he said and quickly walked out the door. You got up and made your way towards the door. "Hey you!" said Aladdin, "What do you want from me" you asked with you back facing him. "I just want to talk" he said "I have work to do" you said and walked out the door.

you walked through the hall away from Sinbad's study. You looked back as you turned the corner, all of a sudden you felt something crash into you and you fell to the floor. "Hey!" you looked up to see who it was that walked into you, but looked down immediately after taking a peek at the persons face. For in front of you on the floor was Ja'far.

"Oh my apologies!" he said quickly getting up and giving you a hand. "I'm fine" you said pushing yourself up from the floor not taking his hand. 

For a moment you both just stood there, you looking at the floor hiding your face. "I have work to do" you murmured and hurried off past him.

-Time Skip-

You were outside hanging laundry behind the palace, the long  white sheets lightly blowing in the cool summer breeze. "Hey miss (Y/N)" you heard a voice say behind you, "What do you want?" you said, "I want to know why i didn't tell King Sinbad about us meeting" said Aladdin, "i'm busy right now" you said. "I just want to talk, that's it" he said, "you didn't tell him about us meeting because it was an unnecessary piece of information for the king," you said plainly, "Why are you so stubborn miss?" he asked, "I'm not" you said, "Then why aren't you talking?" he asked "Because i'm not sharing my personal life with a five year old, now go away" you said shooing him away with your hand.

"Why are you so mad miss (Y/N)?" he asked, 

"I'm not" you said, 

"so why do you act so coldly?" 

"I don't" 

"Yes you do" he said,

"No i don't! Now get out of my sight!" you shouted at him.

"Alright, i'm sorry for you" he said and walked away.

You glared in his direction anger in your eyes, 'Just you wait Aladdin, i'll make sure you never smile again'.

-Time Skip Later That Day-

The Past Can Haunt (Jafar x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin