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"Here i go" you said walking up the ramp and onto the ship that would take you to Sindria. 

For the next few days on the ship you spent most of your time thinking of a plan to get to ja'far. 'Maybe i could go in as a maid? Ugh  i wish i could just sneak in and do it! i can't though i have no idea where his room would be and i couldn't just jump in through any window and wander around the caste looking for him. No i need a plan. I guess maid is as good as it gets.'

-Time Skip To The Docks Of Sindria-

'Alright let' see, i guess i can look around a little'  you thought to yourself. You wandered around the streets of Sindria looking at all the happy people and children playing around. 'Huh i guess there are some people in this world that are actually happy, well just not meant for me huh?'  You were deep in thought when a little kid ran straight into you and woke you up from your thoughts. 

"Oh i'm sorry miss" said the little boy. He was short and had blue hair that was tied in a long braid. "Just watch where you're going next time kid" you said walking away from him, "Wait miss, what's your name?" he asked running up to and started walking beside you. "Why should i tell you anything?" you huffed, "I don't know? I'm Aladdin though!" he said as he outstretched his hand for you to shake it.

"What do you want kid" you said not shaking his hand, "i want to get to know you" he said with a smile. 'What does this kid want, why wont he just  leave me alone' "listen kid, i gotta go do some important stuff," you said as you walked forward, Then a tall blond boy and a girl with pink hair ran passed you, you heard them talking to the blue haired boy, "Hey Aladdin who was that?" said the boy, you pulled the collar of your shirt higher up over your mouth and walked away.

-Aladdin's Pov-

"Hey Aladdin who was that?" asked Alibaba, "I'm not sure, but there's something about her. It's her rukh, it's black" you said, "What?!" said Alibaba looking in the direction the woman went.

-(Y/N)'s Pov-

'Geez, talk about pest's' you thought. You were walking through the the streets when you felt an uneasy feeling as if someone was following you. You turned the corner into a dark alley. You kept walking till you were far enough from the streets when you came to a halt. "Who's there" you asked pulling out one of your knife's, "how did you know we were following you?" asked the blond boy from before as he came out of his hiding place, the pink haired girl and the pest of a boy beside him. 

"Hunch, now tell me why are you following me" you said stubbornly, "Miss, why is your rukh black?" asked the boy who called himself Aladdin. "My what" you said annoyed, "your rukh, it's black" he said pointing at you, "listen, kids i don't know why you're so interested in me or my rukh, if that's what you called it, but i have shit to do and i don't need you getting in the way so fuck off" you said brushing past them and walking back onto the streets of Sindria.

-The Next Morning-

'Ok i guess the best plan i've got is to get a job at the palace to scout it out, then once i find his room i can sneak up on him and.... '  "Omigod! just say it! just... KILL HIM!" you yelled at yourself, you began feeling tears welling up in your eyes, 'What is this? am i crying?!' "That's it" you said pulling out a little blade from your sleeve. You placed the blade on your wrist and pressed, you cut yourself deeply all the way across your wrist watching your blood leak onto the floor of your room. 

You felt pain shooting up to your wrist as you quickly bandaged your injury. 'This pain, it's what brings me back to reality, life isn't a fairy tale, there's no happily ever after, not in this world.'  "I'm gonna make Ja'far bleed his way to hell"you said pulling you cloak on, taking your bag with your things and walking out the door and onto the streets.

You walked through the streets looking for something to eat when you ran right into someone, you were bigger than the person so you didn't fall over but instead got such a fright you pulled out your knife from your sleeve. You looked down to see you only ran into a little girl with blonde hair. You quickly slipped your knife back into your sleeve and watched as the girl got up and gave you a confused look. "What?" you asked her, "Who are you?" she asked, "No one" you answered. 

"Oh well, i'm Pisti! and you?" she said with a smile, "Uh.." you started "hey what are you doing here?" she asked, "I'm looking for a job at the palace" you said now annoyed at how many questions kids ask around here, back in parthevia kids just mind their own buisness.

"Really?!" she asked, "uh..." you started but before you could finish she grabbed your arm and pulled you after her. You were about to pull out of her grip but then saw she was running towards the palace so you just followed her.

She pulled you through the gates and into the castle, she then turned the corner and ran right into a tall man. He had purple hair and some very fancy looking clothing and expensive jewelry. 

"Pisti, what's the rush?" he said looking at her, "Sin! this pretty lady was looking for a job at the palace!" she said gesturing at you panting. "Is she now?" he said looking at you, "Well miss i'd be glad to offer you a place to work in my palace" he said smiling at you, "Your palace?" you asked, "Oh please forgive my manners! i'm king Sinbad of Sindria" he said coolly, "Your majesty, i apologize i had no idea" you said bowing your head.

"Oh no it's fine" he said with a smile, "Um Pisti would you mind taking....um" "(Y/N)" you said "(Y/N) down to the maids chambers?" he said, "You got it!" she said grabbing your arm 'oh god'  you thought before she began running down the hall.

-Time Skip To The Maids Wing-

"New maid are we?" said a plump little woman, "Yes" you said, "Alright, you'll be sleeping right here dear" she said opening the door to a room that had two beds in it. "You can leave your things here and follow me" she said. 

You followed her into a kitchen. "Can you cook?" she asked as she walked over to the counter and began peeling some potatoes. 

You shook your head, "alright you can just peel these for now," she said moving from the counter and handing you the peeler. "We'll figure out your job tomorrow, in the meantime just peel all those" she said pointing her hat little finger at a whole barrel of potatoes and walked off.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me. ok just do this and find where ja'far stays later, just remember the money, with that money i won't have to work for a while, ok at least i don't have to cook'  you thought as you began your day of peeling potatoes.

-Time Skip-

You plopped onto your bed after that long boring day of peeling. You took off your cloak which you kept on all day since you had several knives and two daggers under it. You hid your weapons in your bag and slipped one of your daggers under your pillow. You laid your head down, 'Ja'far is somewhere in this palace, don't worry Ja'far you just wait, i will find you,'  you thought and drifted off into a restless sleep.

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