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Travis pov

I watched as Katelyn kicked Zane in the head. aphmau was crying her eyes out while Aaron put his bandanna on weird. " how can you be so HEARTLESS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT KATELYN"? aphmau yelled   "easy I hate the lgbtq+ community". Katelyn said " I cant believe you Katelyn" I said   " what Travis what are you saying" she asked   "if you didn't hear me before we left I'm pansexual" I said to her       "you leave me no choice" she spat. she kicked me right in the stomach.  as I gasped for air she dragged me to the fountain and dunked my head in the water. I turned in front of all of them I turned into a demon. I grabbed her hair and pulled out loose strands. now if you don't know my form is white hair black skin yellow eyes and red claws. aphmau knew and yelled "if you want to be free tell the world the sin you are" she yelled at me I became human again and Katelyn had passed out. I was so glad she did though I really hate the way she treats us.

I looked at Zane he was waking up from what Katelyn did to him. I could have sworn he needed to be treated by a doctor. but I realized she used her powers to heal any internal wounds that he might have had cause she is a weeping angel. she was part human and part weeping angel. so if she wanted to turn into an angel she would have to truly hate someone. oh crap I remembered  something she is gonna freak. I kind of pranked her with spiders all around her house. but I'm okay cause Dante can take the blame for me. he owes me. last time he made me clean his room I nearly puked. I turn around to see Zane up and somewhat walking around. but he was mainly limping. I really need to take Katelyn to therapy or someone does. she needs it. 

why do I care about what Katelyn thinks. I mean we do have a lot in common but, ugh stop Travis she will destroy you.  I walk over to where Zane Aph and Aaron were standing. "hey Zane how are ya feelings"? I asked  " I guess okay, my stomach really hurts still" he replied " I think we should let you stay with me and Aaron for a bit." Aph suggested.     "I'd like that a lot Aph" Zane replied. " he can stay with me, Dante moved in with Gene" I said 

"would like that Travis thank you so much" Zane said. " no problem" I relplied. I went to walk away when I felt arms wrap around me. I looked down to see Zane hugging me. I hugged back. this is weird coming from Zane. I'll Ask him tomorrow.

Bai my souls ~ Alyssa

word count 488

Zanvis// it hurts Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang