Chapter 9

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All I see is Zane his smile his laughter his adorable freckles. Because of the man he called father. He could be dead.

Not really being in a coma is a bad thing right?
All I have is the sad memories of his father. He was never kind to me at all. Cause I always used to show my sexuality.

Not anymore
If Zane comes back I'll tell him the truth. Why we never talked after collage. I don't wanna but I have to I used to be madly in a state of hatred to him.

Now all I think about his the little nugget. He'll recover soon though just how long to comas last? Oh right as long as they need to.

Well journal it's been nice. I'll go back to the hospital now. See ya later. I really need to get a bigger one.

- Travis Valkrum

I shut the journal and walked down stairs I grabbed a phone charger. And i grabbed the overnight bag. I'm staying at the hotel connected to the hospital Zane's on floor 5 room 217. (I just relized this was the floor and room my grandma died in).

I need to find a way to wake him up.

Zane's pov.

I woke up in a bed oh hospital. I got up to go the the bathroom. I could hear some one coming. (Smugface)

I get back turn around and look to see travis walking in tears running down his face. I look at the bed and see a sight I hated.
I'm in the bed. I'm in a coma. I started to cry. I looked at the date. A month later. I've been down for a month I started to scream. I see my vision go black.


I look down to see Zane opening his eyes. He opened them and looks at me. He has tears running down his face but he looked happy.

He looked at me and just gave me the biggest smile ever. I walked over to his bed and gave him a giant kiss and he kisses back.

"I'm so glad your awake, Zane i thought you would never wake up"
"Oh Travis I've been awake the whole time I just wanna stay awake"
"Hey shhhh shhh you'll be fine love"
He started to blush. I gave him a kiss and I got in the bed with him. And we both fell asleep.

I think this chapter is pretty good

no I lied

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