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⚠️TRIGGER WARNIG ⚠️❔‼️‼️‼️‼️


      I look down at my hand. I had on a band with a diamond surrounded by pearls and sapphires. My two favorite gems. I couldn't believe i just had the best New Years ever. Zane walks over to me holding a spidey cat. I look up at Zane. He just smiles sweetly. I look ahead and watch the moon light hit the pond.

     ".Zane"? He puts spidey back inside. "Yes"? "Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we never met"? He look me in the eyes "I wouldn't have one" I tilt my head in confusion. "I was going to commit suicide the day we met" his eyes gloss over. "Aw Love don't cry I'm here" he tackle hugs me. I wrap my arms around him as he starts crying.

"I would never let you do that or even want you to"! He loosens up a bit "I know but I have the scars". I look at him "what scars"? (A/n I know they had sex but Zane wears wraps on his wrists)

   "These" he pulls off the bandages. To reveal Large scars covering him. "Oh my Enki"! He looks away. "Hey Zane let's go inside we can tell the others about the engagement". He smiles. "I'd like that".

I know is short but 20 is the end of the book cause we go to emerald secret. (I'm sorry)

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