chapter 10

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me and Zane where cuddling on the couch when someone rapidly banged on our door. I got up and looked through the peep hole to see Luna,Garroth and Vlyad. "Zane your siblings are here" i yelled at him. "all or Luna" he yelled back. "All" i said since he a walked over. he opened the door to see a bright blue haired Luna. she was super sad

"Hey Lu, why are you crying"?  "Zane your about to, dad hit mom" she said so stern i nearly choked on air. "Zane, Baby brother you okay" Garoth asked with worry. "yes is mom" Vlyad looked at me and shook his head no. "where is she guys" i asked them she wass kinda like my mom too. "Shes dead Zane he killed her" i watched as the man i loved fell to the ground covered in tears. 

I burst into tears we just sat there cuddling while the other three hid anything sharp or breakable. I thought to myself, if he killed her then no one can stop him. "Zane we gotta move he's most likely on his way". he looks at me nods his head and look to his siblings and signs, we all gotta move virgina? so we start to pack we tell aphmau and her and Aaron pack up we all get in aphmau's mini bus. we lived in furnished apartments. so we pack clothes and food and some personal thiings and we hit the road.


We look at the gigantic house, 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. all a group of 8 needs (most of them are couples). I have so many reasons to run inside. I rush inside and see that maybe we needed a crane to get our stuff up stairs. 

I know short like me (I'm 4'5' and in the 7th grade) 

bai soul shippers- Alyssa

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