Chapter One

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I woke to the sound of alarm. 6:45am. Good, I have half an hour to get ready for school. Just one more year and then I'm out from this hell hole.

I quickly brushed my teeth and showered. I don't have much choice in my wardrobe. The only clothes I have are of my mom and which I brought from my earnings.

I changed into a baby pink hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans and kept my damp hair loose. I have an average height of 5'4. I grabbed my school bag and snuck out of the apartment without any noise. I walked towards the nearby bus stand. It took ten minutes by bus to reach Thornsdale high.

As I reached the high school I could see an excited girl near the parking lot. Well it is Kayle Hasting my one and only friend in the whole Thornsdale.

"Hey Key!"she called.

"Hey Kayle" I beamed at her.

Kayle has been my friend from grade seven, since my mom died. Kayle is whole opposite of me. She has straight auburn hair with red highlights and soft hazel eyes. She is also four inches taller than me and is outgoing. Her family is very rich and friendly.

"I hope this year would be nice for me." Kayle groans.

"Hope so. So which all classes do I have with you?" She gave me her time table.

"Ugh! Kayle we just have French and World history together."

"Chill Key. It's not an end of the world"she smirked at me as we enter the highschool.

"So what did you do this weekend?"she asked.

' The usual you know. Work hard for money and get beaten by your own father at the end of the day.'I thought.

"Not much. I read books, worked and slept."I answered.

She softened her eyes and said "I know there's something going on with you for years and you won't tell me. But I wanna say that you can tell me anything and I'm there for you and always will."

"T-thanks." I said with emotion.

The bell rang. We quickly grabbed our books for the first period.

"See ya in second period Key." Kayle smiled and walked away.
I walked towards my first period class, the home room.


Hey guys! It's actually my first book. So, sorry for such small chapters. Please do tell me how was the book so far and the chapters will be bigger next time.
I will update the book soon!

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