Chapter Three

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I was deep in thoughts when I walked down the hall. Ethan is surely attractive but that might be the teenage hormones of mine screaming. He surely made my heart thud. He was all calm as he entered the class but had a blank expression. I'm curious about him but 'curiosity kills the cat.' He might be the total charming jerk or a bully(not that I think of) or can be a sweet gentleman. Yeah, I like that gentleman idea.

"Knock!". "knock!"

Something hit my head. It was light. I looked down to see a piece of paper. Don't these high schoolers have ---

"Earth to Kiara!" someone waved a hand making me blink a couple of times. Oh! It's Kayle.

"Huh?" I said in confusion.

"Key! For the past five minutes I was calling your name........actually shouting but you didn't answer. You were soooo deep in thoughts that you passed your locker!" Kayle said , well almost shouted.

"Oh sorry. Didn't hear you. Was lost in thoughts I think." I shrugged.

"Uh-huh." she said with a grin.

"Nn--nooo it's not that . I-uh... w-well was thinking about the homework! Yeah homework."

"Are you convincing yourself that you were thinking about homework?" she smirked. I can never lie to this girl. I shook my head.

"No never "Kayle said in a serious tone. Did I said it loudly?

"To answer you question yes and no I cannot read your mind ."

"Well, I need to grab books for the next class "

"Which sub now?" Kayle asked.


"Well, then see ya in seventh period Key." she waved her hand.

"Yeah. See you later."

Chemistry is my favourite subject. I still like to see the reactions when chemical substances are mixed together. I remember once a guy took some sodium and put it in his pant pocket so that he could carry home to do experiment. Unfortunately sodium substance vanished leaving a hole in his pocket. Either he was dumb or didn't listen the properties of metals of higher reactivity series in class.

I reached my chem class. It's the only class where partners are paired roll number wise. I took my seat and started doodling on a rough page. A habit of mine.

Suddenly the seat beside me creaked. When I looked up I saw piercing blue eyes. Shit! He smiled at me while I stared at him wide eyes.

"Hi. I'm Ethan. Ethan Willow." he said with a small smile.

I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. I cleared my throat. Damn these vocal cords!

"I-uh-I-I'm Kiara Millicent." shit! My voice sounds like a mouse,
This guy is still smiling! Can't he just stop that.

"Looks like we are partners." I small talked.

"Yeah. So.. tell me about you Kiara."

"Well there's nothing much to tell. I'm a normal girl (as normal as I could be) with good scores."

"And?" Why does he wants to know about me? He might be charming and all but I won't give information about myself even if its the favourite colour.

"Nothing. I'm a boring person."

"Well... but I find you interesting." I blushed hard. Damn these cheeks!

"Hello class! I'm Mr. Richard, your new chemistry teacher. This semester I'll be giving you three assignments to work on. You'll be working in pairs as I allotted you." I didn't even hear when the teacher came.

A sheet was passed on to every student. Probably the assignment sheets and instructions.

"You all will follow and work as per the instructions. I want the first assignment in a month's time." With this he started teaching us.

Soon the period finished. I walked out of the class with Ethan behind me.

"So...when should we start the project?" he asked.

"Ethan is it okay if we work in the library?"

"Yeah sure. We can also work at my place." He grinned.

"Okay. We can start by tomorrow."

"Bye" he said and walked away.

Woosh! The tightness came out! It was like I was wearing a corset. But the good point is I would be spending time with him!!

I saw Kayle frowning. I waved and walked towards her. She saw me and dispersed her frown.

"Why were you frowning?" I asked her.

"Well.. I cannot find my 'Blood for Blood' book." she said.

"Which part?"

"The third. Mafiosa."

"Kayle you gave that to me!"

"I'm so dumb! I think my brain has expired." She said and I laughed.

"Or some screws are missing." I said in a serious tone. Then we both laughed hard!

"I saw Choco truffle with you" she smirked.

"Choco truffle?" I asked in confusion.

"Ethan. Duh. You know Choco truffle is my soul so tell me what happened."

"Kayle I'll tell you everything after school. Okay?"

"Yeah sure. Later!" She said and walked off.

The rest of the day went like a blur. Ethan was also in my math class. I walked down the hall after final bell

Now I have to go home and then to work. I hope I earn some extras at the cafe. Dad wants the money. I shudder at his thought.

I hate that I have this cruel kind of father. Before mom died everything was so normal, so happy. I and dad used to go for fishing. Mom used to make tasty dinner. Especially her Indian food. I miss my mom's Indian food. I miss her so much. I didn't believe the reason behind the death the first time. But now I do believe whatever I saw.....

Okay so 'Blood for Blood' trilogy is by Catherine Doyle and you should totally check it out!

Mending the broken PiecesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя