Chapter Seven

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"Mommy! Daddy! Be fast. I don't wanna miss the trip!" the little girl shouted .

"My sweet pea! We are gonna have so much of fun!" her daddy said after coming down the stairs.

"Yes daddy!" she squealed in his arms.

" I'll have lots of chocolates daddy!" then she grew serious " Please don't tell mommy about it." she whispered.

"Ok. I will not" her daddy replied in the same tone.

"You want to be like your mom!?" a monstrous voice yelled.

" Please don't do this dad." she said in a feeble voice.

A woman smeared with blood all over her dress stood at the edge of the cliff. The monster had an evil grin. Everything about him seems wrong and screamed evil. The girl was begging the monster not to do it. He kicked her in the gut and stepped further towards the woman.

" Mia, oh my sweet Mia. Because of you stubbornness you are here" the monster said with fake innocence.

" I'm not scared of you, YOU PSYCHOPATH! I'll happily go if I have to!!" she yelled.

There was a five second silence and then the sound of gunshot filled the air.


I shot up off my bed. Beads of sweat covered my forehead. The sheets were feeling hot and wet in my hands. My whole body was trembling because of THE nightmare. It's not frequent that I get these kind of nightmares.

I looked at my alarm on the nightstand. 3:30am. I tried to sleep, tossing myself again and again on the small bed. Finally I gave in. Nightwalk would be great. Within five minutes I got dressed and took my backpack along with me 'cause I'm not planning to come here again after walk. The reasons : 1. I don't wanna face my father, who I think will be here by that time.
2. I want to be beaten 'again'.
3. It's much more convenient to directly go to school than come again here.

I walked out of the apartment.Cool breeze caressed my face. It's 3:50 as per my watch. I pulled my hoodie down to cover my face. I know it's dangerous to wander down the streets but who would be awake at this time? Anyways I walked down the streets with my head down as a 'precaution'.

I saw an abandoned park across the streets. Huh? I never saw that park. I just walked towards the park not caring if it's safe. The park looked soo peaceful but at the same time it creeped me out. I could hear the sound of soft breeze and the chirping of crickets.

I started walking around the park looking here and there. Suddenly I stopped in my tracks. My jaws literally dropped and eyes widened at the sight in front of me. There, laying on a bench was a guy with his right hand clutching the left shoulder tightly. I could see blood seeping from his left shoulder.

The sight of blood makes impossible for me to move forward. It brings back the memories that I desperately want to erase from my brain. See my blood is one thing but seeing others blood with so much of pain is devastating for me.

I took long breathes and slowly made my way towards him. My footings felt heavy as if I'm walking on heavy snow. When I reached the bench I was beyond shock by seeing that guy .

"J-Jace...?" he looked up and his eyes widened. He looked terrified.

"K-kiara? Wh-what a-are you doing h-here?"

He tried to get up but failed in his attempt. He gritted his teeth as pain shot up his body.

"Careful Jace. I'll help you." I said in a soft voice.

I started rummaging through my stuff in the bag and finally found a black scarf. I knelt beside him and gently removed his right hand to see his wound. Thank god! It was not a bullet. It looked like a deep slash made by a knife or a dagger.

I tightly wrapped the scarf around his wounded shoulder to stop the bleeding. He winced at the impact.

"Sorry I should have been gentle." I said in a concerned voice.

I took out my handkerchief, poured some water in it and started cleaning the blood from his face and hands.

"Thank you." he said in a small voice and smiled at me, though it was a sad smile.

I nodded in acknowledgement.

"How did it happened Jace?" I asked him.

"You shouldn't be here Kiara. Even if you had seen me, you should have walked away."

"Are you freaking serious Jace? You you ARE bleeding as hell! Even if I don't like you, it doesn't mean that I would leave you or anyone like this!!" I shouted at him.

"I don't need your pity or help. I was fine on my own."

"Yeah you are like a vampire who doesn't feel any pain right? Why do all guys have to be egotistical dumbass?"

"Hey...." He lifted his hand up and winced in pain.

"Careful Jace.HOW did this happen?" I now asked in a stern tone

"It's none of your business." he spat back.

Anger laced through me. I literally helped him and he spat back. I gritted my teeth and tightly fist my hands.

"Fine. I'll go.......Basshole." I grabbed my bag and turned away. "Suit yourself." I said with one last glance at him and walked out of the park.

Infuriating egotistical stubborn Basshole.

This chapter is dedicated to Allee_Khafi and kriti249.

Hey guys! I'm very very sorry for this late update. I was actually very busy with my studies. As my exams are starting from this week , I will not be able to update for maximum three weeks. Again I'm sorry about that.

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