Chapter Two

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"Look the ragdoll came!"someone shouted as I entered the homeroom.



Ignore them Kiara! They are not worth it. I said to myself as I sat on the corner last seat of the class. I don't know why they call me ragdoll! Sometimes I feel like shit. I hate this school, hate my father, I hate life!

"Hey Kiara. Oh sorry! I mean raggy."I looked up and saw Jenna Douglas smirking at me . Well, Jenna is the popular cheerleader who always troubles me with her minions Amy and Trixie.

"Hi Jenna."I said with a tight smile.

"So how's your life going on?--oh sorry, I forgot you don't have a life!" She said.

Tears welled in my eyes but I controlled.
"Ooh Jenna. I know your life goes by minding other people's rather than yourself." I said in a sweet voice.

"Bitch! I'll make your life more miserable than now."she said and turned away.

As I said I hate my life , I meant it. I started reading my novel. The girl in this book has kicked some asses. 'Good' I thought. I wish I was like her. Fearless and strong.

I started humming the song 'The Climb' by 'Miley Cyrus'

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin'
You'll never reach it.

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feel
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I
I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast i get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

It's the climb

This song inspires me to live my life no matter what's the circumstance.

Homeroom period went on and finally the bell rang. I walked towards my French class. Kayle was already there. I sat beside her. She was beaming like a monkey. Uh-huh, I know that look--

"You know what!" Kayle squealed.

"No I don't." I said in boredom.

"Come on Key listen to this news!"

"Okay bu--"

"Anewhotguyhasjoinedourschool!" She speaks too fast when she's excited.

"Kayle I can't understand you new language so please tell me in English."I said.

", a new hot shot has joined our school and is in the same grade!"

"Hmm..." I knew that something like this would come.

"Just hmm?! Come on Key, a freaking hot guy has joined and you just say hmm? You should have a look. Who knows 'Ms I don't like guys' would finally give in." she said.

I gave her a 'Please stop' look. All boys are the same. They date and then they dump. It's not like a fairy tale that a hot guy would fall in love with you and only you . I have seen many girls crying for their ex's.

"Okay okay, I'll not say anything else but don't say I didn't tell you Key."she said.

Our French teacher Ms. Welbert entered the class. She's a sweet young lady who doesn't pressurise a student.

"Bonjour mes étudiants."she sweetly greeted us.

"Bonjour!" We said in chorus.

Suddenly the doors opened and there walked a guy. I froze. He was the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. Dark brown hair of medium length was styled like he didn't make any effort. He was olive skinned. A black t-shirt hugged his body with black skinny jeans. Oh my my!

" Pardonnez Moi Ms. Welbert. I'm late." he said in a sweet husky voice. Ms.Welbert nodded with a smile.

"Class this is Ethan Willow. I hope you all will welcome him."she said sweetly.

Ethan turned towards the class. Holly molly! He has piercing blue eyes like  ocean and a face sculpted in marble like a Greek god. He's like a poster boy without any effort.

His eyes met mine and I froze. I couldn't stop but start  at his mesmerizing eyes. I wuzzed myself and ducked my head letting my bangs shed my face. I could feel his eyes on me as it pierced right through the skull. Wait what!?

"Oh my freaking god Kiara he's looking at you! This is the new hottie I was talking about." Kayle whispered to me in excitement.

"Don't act like a fool." I whispered facing towards her.

"I'll lose my heart! Key he's coming this way with eyes glued on you."

"Stop looking Kay."

"Oh my....oh my god! He's taking a seat behind you."she squeal whispered in my ear.

"Freaking stop Kayle! He'll hear what you are saying."I whispered with a glare.

Kayle has a goofy smile plastered over her face and mouthed "I told ya." towards me.

"You won",I surrendered, "but that doesn't mean I'll like or show interest in him."

"Yes Ms. Millicent."she giggled.

Ugh! I'm not like this around boys but something held in his piercing blue eyes that intrigued me.
'stop it Kiara! He's just another guy. All boys are a jerks!'
I said in my mind.

My heart was beating so loudly and I bet the whole class could hear. The class begun but I couldn't pay any attention. I wrote the notes blindly.

Finally the bell rang. Woosh! I packed my bag and hastly moved out of the class.


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