Chapter Twelve

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"Kiara, Kiara wake up. It's just a dream." I heard someone saying this but it felt so far away.

Suddenly my eyes flew open and in front of me was Jace giving me a worried look. He came near me and gently wiped my forehead and tucked down my hair which I guess was drenched with sweat and was sticking all over my face.

"Kiara are you alright? I got so worried when you started screaming." he again gave me those worried expression.

"Yes. Yes, I'm alright. It was just a nightmare."

"Do you have it often?" he softly asked.

"Yes. Every time it's the same nightmare." I whispered.

He nodded and said, "Your parents must be so much worried about it. Shit! I didn't even inform your house that you are here!"

I stiffened at what he said. "Jace I don't have parents, my mom is dead and I don't like to talk about my dad." I was so out of emotion that when I said it, it came in a robotic voice.

"I'm sorry about your mom. I take it that you don't want your dad to get informed about it?"

"Don't you dare give me those pitying eyes Jace! I seriously hate when people say they are sorry for my mom's death! Was it their fault that she is dead? No. So why are you apologizing like it was you who did it!?" I thundered over him.

"Okay, I won't say anything. You need rest so you better sleep. Do you want umm-a-me to you know sleep b-beside y-you?" He nervously asked me even though I shouted at him. Why is he being so nice?

"No. I can sleep on my own, so you may go." I whispered.

He looks unconvinced about me being alright. "You sure?"

Exasperated by this I said, "Yes Jace, go and get some sleep. Goodnight." With this I closed my eyes.

"Oh okay, goodnight." Then I heard faint steps and the door shut closed.

I didn't want to sleep but I guess I need some rest to heal, so slowly I drifted to a dreamless sleep.     

The next morning I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. That's the line for a princess story for I woke up to the sound of a growling stomach. I should have eaten something yesterday before dramatically sleeping *roll eyes*. Getting up can't be that bad right? It was worse. I pushed myself up from the bed and with the support of my aching hand I flat-footed my feet to the ground level. At least I accomplished this much with my grandma tactics.

I tried to get up on my right leg as the left was butchered, clutching my stomach with the right hand I dragged myself to the door , keeping all my weight on left foot. I slowly opened the door and limped my way towards the staircase.

"Honey you are in no state to walk around the house." I sweet voice said from behind , making me jump a little. Oh, it was Jace's mom.

"Good morning Millie.", I said with a smile, "I just wanted to stretch and I was hungry, so I thought I would go down."

A worried look got over her. "Oh dear, you could have just called me or Jace and we would have helped you get up."

" I'm sorry."

" Just don't do it again okay?" I just nodded and smiled at her. " Let me help you get down and then we can have some breakfast."

"Thanks Millie." I missed this motherly affection and couldn't help but shed a tear. Millie helped me get downstairs. I must admit it felt like a real home and smelled cozy.

"Millie your home is lovely, I like the cozy feeling it gives me."

She laughed and said, " Thank you dear, I tried to make it homey for Jace. Here, let me help you sit on stool and then I'll fix some yummy breakfast."

After helping me sitting on the stool she made her way towards the kitchen counter.

"Sweetie would you like strawberry syrup or chocolate syrup with choco chip on your pancakes?" Millie asked me while browsing for the ingredients.

"Uh-umm I think I'll have the chocolate one." I replied.

She laughed and stated, "Jace also love chocolate pancake. And I must say he's grumpy if he has not taken his chocolate doze."

"That's the reason why most of the time he behaves like a complete jerk." I mumbled under my breath

"You said something Kiara?" Millie questioned.

"Uh no, nothing. It's actually shocking to know Jace likes something sweet." I lied.

"Why won't I like sweets?" Startled from the sudden voice I fell from my stool. Just wonderful if the punches weren't enough.

"Umm....are you okay Kiara?" Jace's asked while scratching his head.

I fake smiled at him and said, "I'm dangy and it feels so wonderful!"

He rolled his eyes and stated, "You don't have to be sarcastic."

" Okay, will you please help me get up?" I said in exasperation. And then he helped me sit on the stool once again. Cut that out, more like he lifted me up like a baby and then placed me on stool.

I rolled my eyes. "You know you could have just helped me like a normal person instead of lifting me up like a baby."

Jace shook his head and muttered, "So much  for helping her."

"Okay enough of you too. Now come here and eat the pancakes before it gets cold." Millie laughed and gave us a stern look.

We immediately nodded our head, giving her a salute and said, "Yes ma'am."

When I looked down I seriously saw heaven. The three layered pancake was covered with chocolate syrup and on top of it was two scoop of vanilla ice cream with lots of choco chips. Millie laughed when she saw my expression.

"Wow this looks delicious!" I exclaimed.

"Oh hush up and start eating."  she said while smiling.

"Kiara I think you would be well enough to walk in a few days. Uh, it would be better you stay here till then." Jace said.

I shook my head. "Jace you already saved my life, I don't want to cause anymore burden."

" You are not a burden and it's for your betterment. You are staying here for a few days and that's final." he said in a stern voice.


"No buts Kiara. It's final, you are staying here." Millie stated with a stern voice, giving no space for argument.

I slumped my shoulder in defeat, "Okay I'll stay here for a few days."

Guess I'll be staying here for a few days.


Hey to all my readers! I'm very sorry for not updating faster. Sometimes friends can be pain in ass when exams are finished (though I still love them ;) ).

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