Chapter Six

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Hey guys! sorry for the very late update. This whole week was very busy for me with tests and all. Here's a new chapter. I hope you like :) ;)

I'm thinking of the incident with Jace that happened yesterday. Was he waiting the whole time till my shift ended? Probably yes.

I mean he is creepy but at the same time I could see softness in his eyes, like he's pleading me to stay away from Ethan. Okay, that was definitely not pleading and more like an order.

But why the hell would he say to stay away from Ethan!?

But one thing is clear that I have to stay away from trouble and in this case it looks like both Jace and Ethan.

What if Ethan was some mafia king's son and Jace and secret agent? Hmm. Mostly the mafia king's son is a hot shot guy with some psychotic disorder who tends to kill with pleasure. The secret agent is all kung-zang-fu style with guarded face.

Nah. I think I'm reading too many gangy-agenty story. But wow! I remember the part of some book which I read a loooong time ago. Sharp memory!

Kiara now just stop your overthinking brain! This is lunch period and you have to eat!

"Key Key! What'd ya thinking!?" Kayle chirped as we sat on our usual table in the cafeteria.

" Kayle I have to say something important to you." I said in a serious tone.

" Spill!"

"Yesterday I was cornered by Ethan's friend Jace down the alley who I think waited till my shift ended."

"Why the fudge did he cornered you! Did he hurt you? I swear I'll chop his head and kick his ass till the sun shines the next morning! I'll get him locked in jail after this for touching my best friend!!"

"Kayle calm down! That Basshole didn't hurt me and you don't have to chop his head and all. He just said to stay away from Ethan and I don't know why. "
Kayle bursted out with laughter.

"Wha-what d-did y-y-you say? Bassho---" and again started laughing like a maniac.

"I said Basshole which I made from bastard and asshole . You can also say it as Asstard but then Basshole was looking much better." I said in a matter of factly way.

"Okay. But seriously why would he warn you?"

I shrugged.

"Well there's one more thing....." I trailed off.

"Omigod! What else happened?"

"Um. E-Ethan is my chem partner and we are working on it from today like after school."

She squealed.

"Holy dumplings Key! You'll be spending time with him. I'm soooooo excited!!"

I will never understand her.

" In the library." I said

"Wait. What!?"

"We will do the 'spending time' thingy in the library. And yeah it's just an assignment."

After school I met Ethan at my locker. Leaning against the locker he was looking all hot in his tight blue T-shirt and black jeans. His hair was messy but still looked sexy on him.

"Satisfied with what you saw? I could have stand here all day but we have a project to do." He said with a smirk.

I flustered with embarrassment.
Shit! He saw me checking him out. Get a grip Kiara.

" was.....looking at Kayle. Yeah Kayle!" I waved at her as she exited the school.

" Sure she is." Ugh! I just wanna swipe that cocky smirk off his face!!

"Let's go to the library. Shall we?"

He nodded and walked beside me towards the library.

I took seat at the centre of library.

" where should we start from?"

"We have to do research about Bose-Einstien Condensate and plasma right?"

I nodded.

"Perfect. We'll start from tomorrow. Now let's play twenty questions."

"What? I'm not here for crappy things. And it's better if we finish the project sooner." I said getting up.

"Okay. Okay. We'll work for one hour and then play. Please?" he said with a puppy face.

"Fine! But it's only for today."

He grinned at me. He looks so adorable like this!

We soon started our research and made points about which information must be written.

" Okay so--" Ethan cut me off in the middle of my sentence.

" Time up! One hour's over" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why are you so curious about me?"

"'s just I want to know you. And yeah, I also know curiosity kills the cat."

"Okay. But I can't answer all your questions and I have to go at four."

"That's fine with me. But let's get out of here. Yeah?"


"Hey is it okay if we just walk?" I asked

"Sure. Okay so let's start."

"You first ." I said

"What's your favourite colour?"

"I see that you did stick to your yesterday's question." I smirked at him.

"What can I say? I'm cool!" he said with a lopsided grin. I giggled

"Purple. I like purple and yours?"

"I like blue colour."

"Just like your eyes." I blurted out.

" What's your favourite food?"

" I like Mexican and Indian cuisine. And you?"

"I like Mexican. My mom used to make Mexican dishes." He said with a sad smile.

"What happened?"

"Well that's another question." He chuckled. "My mom died because of breast cancer four years ago."

" I'm sorry." There was an awkward silence lingering between us.

"Anyways. What's your favourite dessert?" He asked changing the topic.

" I loveee Choco Dutch! It's heaven on earth." I said with a big smile.

"What's yours?" I asked.

"Well...we do have dessert in common. I too like Choco Dutch."

Wow. Ethan likes Choco Dutch! I'm impressed. Well what can I say? It's my first love.

"Do you like to spend time with your family?" I froze at his question. Memories came flooding down before the incident. Family is a very strange word to me. I finally found my voice and spoke.

" Uh Ethan. I think I should go. I don't wanna be late for work."

Ethan looked confused at my sudden abruptness.

" Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I made you sad." he said with a concerned face.

" No no. It's nothing like that. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah. you need a ride?" he asked.

"N-no no. It's fine. My place is nearby."

"Okay then see you later."

"Yeah. Bye." I said .

Tears burned up at the corner of my eyes as I walked down the streets towards the apartment. Why can't I be like a normal teenager with loving parents?


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