Chapter Eight

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There will always be a person who gets on your nerves. This time I'm not talking about Jenna and her minions or the jocks. Well they get on my nerves but one person has topped the list and this privileged person's name is none other than Jace Cyrus! Words are less to describe him ( note my sarcasm). In my entire seventeen years I've never met a guy like him. I swear that I had an urge to smack his clown face and it took all my strength not to do so. Who in the hell does he think he is!? James Bond or Superman? 'That yay! I'm a Superman, nothing can happen to me!' I literally hate that guy . He doesn't even has the decency of thanking me! Well he kinda did.....anyways fudge him!

I walked out of the park as I cussed over and over. The park was so peaceful and I really liked it... until I saw him. Ugh! Just stop thinking about him!! One, two, three.........forty nine , fifty! Wow. It really calmed my nerve.

Its five thirty in the morning and the weather seems really pleasant. I could hear the chirping of birds and feel the early morning breeze. My mom used to wake up at this time as she loved to do yoga. She used to say, 'early morning with some exercise will make your day worth it'. After that she used to make tasty breakfast like my favourite choco chip pancakes and pack lunch for me. My friends were always excited for lunch as my it was everytime something new. How I wished I could learn all her recipes before she died. She truly was an angel.

I wandered around the streets for another ninety minutes and then made my way towards school. I waited for Kayle near the parking lot as usual. In ten minutes I'll hear her chirpy voice.

"Key! A very bright and sunshine morning to you!" she chirped when she was a few feet away from me.

"Good morning to you too!" I replied as enthusiastically as I can.

"Don't you sound very happy today?" she asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." I grumbled. She laughed. How I wish life could be easier for me Kayle. I mentally thought.

"Now let's get inside. Shall we?" she asked.

"Yeah." I smiled at her.

We made our way towards the school. I was abruptly stopped by something. Yeah it's not someone, it's something. Barbie doll and her cronies. Well, except Ken was not present. One thing is clear, this Barbie is a spoilt brainless brat.

"Hey Ragdoll. Who's the one who picked you up from the dumpster?" Jenna mocked.

" Hello to you too Jenna and bratty minions." I smiled sweetly at them.

"Did you just call us brats?" Amy angrily asked. If looks could kill I would be up in the heaven.

"Nooo Amy I didn't call you all brats! I said Bratty minions. Should I spell? B-r-a-"

"You bitch! How dare you!" this time Trixie shouted. Ugh! So high pitched squeaky shout!!

I smirked at them but said nothing. Kayle looked ready to pounce on them. Five , four , three , two , one--

"Tsk-tsk. Jenna Dog please lift your two asses up and get the hell out of our way." Kayle said pointing at Trixie and Amy.
I coughed to hide my laugh as she called them Jenna's asses.

"I--" Jenna was cut by Kayle.

"Nuh-huh I'm not finished yet. You know I can make your clowny face very pretty with my sweet punch Jenna. It will actually give a very vibrant effect to your skin with all the redness. Or else I can make your gut look flat without any surgery. Same goes to your two sweet bratty asses. And let me tell you I'm skilled in boxing." she said very innocently, plastering a fake smile.

I was seriously having a very hard time controlling my laugh. Kayle surely enjoyed embarassing the bimbos.

A crowd had formed around us, looking at the scene in front of them. Seriously? Can't they mind their own damn business? Some even had the guts to make video. I really hate public attention.

"You whore! Both of you will suffer. I'll make a living hell for you!! Ughhhhh-ahhhh!!!!" Jenna screamed at us and marched away with her minions.

"Oh we'll surely see Jenna." Kayle shouted back.

"Guys the show is over now! Please disperse!" Kayle said and glared to each and every person surrounding us.

I just couldn't control it any more. I burst out laughing hard and clutched my stomach due to the outburst.

"Kayle t-that w-was hila-rious!!" I said between my laughs.

"I know I know. You can thank and appreciate me later." she said and winked. I rolled my eyes. Finally my laughs stopped!

We made our way towards the school door. Finally!

" Key, I'll see you at lunch!"

"Yeah. See you at lunch."


I waved her goodbye as I made my way towards the locker. The locker was a mere feet away from me when suddenly someone grabbed me by shoulder and cornered me in an empty classroom. Might be the artroom, I thought.

Ugh! Not again!! First Jace and now...... Ethan? I saw his face when I looked up. Why out of all people HE has cornered me!?

This chapter is dedicated to Mr_GhostWriter and little-nemo for commenting the most.

Hey guys! I know that there is not much in this chapter but I couldn't think anything creative after my exams. Please do vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Guys I was actually thinking of changing Jace. Please comment what you think about the new Jace Cyrus as your opinion matters. :)

Jace Cyrus

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Jace Cyrus

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