Chapter Nine

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I don't know but at this time I feel like singing. Yep. That's the only thing I do when I'm nervous. Nervous nervous nervous nervous nervous....ok stop! Stop!

Ethan is so close to me. His warm breath warming up my face, to be more specific the breaths are landing on my lips. A small smile is lingering on his soft pink lips. Those mesmerizing pools of ocean are looking straight at me. My cheeks were flushed red because of our close proximity. This time also I found my heart beating faster but I couldn't pinpoint if it was because of nervousness, fear or embarrassment (why the hell should I be embarrassed!?).

He said something and pulled away. I was too fazed to hear what he said. After a minute I was finally able clear my mind and think properly as he no longer was in my personal space.

"Um-what we-were you saying? I didn't quite hear you." I shuttered. He gave me a lopsided grin and chuckled.

"I said hi Kiara."

" Are you used to corner a person just to say hi?" I blurted out. Oh hell!

He laughed. He looks so cute when he laughs. Ugh! Stop staring him with dreamy eyes Kiara! I mentally slapped myself.

"Kia. I do not corner people just to say hi. I cornered you so that you won't runaway from me as I wanted to apologise for that day." he said with a sad smile.

"But why would I run--" I was cut short as the bell rang for first period.

"Look Ethan we'll talk later, okay?" I said while opening the doors to move out of the class.

"Yeah. K, Kiara. See you later then!" he said as he walked off.


I moved towards my homeroom class to have a once again 'interaction' with the 'sweet Barbie'. Note my sarcasm.

"Ooooh! Raggy found a new master none other than the new guy!"

"Bet he saw her near a dumpster and pitied her."

The class erupted in laughter. A few gave me pitying eyes. Others looked like they were disgusted of me.

I once again ignored them though I'm embarrassed and take a seat at the back of the class.

" Rag doll please tell your bitch friend to shut her mouth. She says way too much." said Jenna.

And then a very unexpected thing happened. George Brune, captain of our Basketball team stood up for me. Kayle has a big crush on him.

"Jenna can't you just shut your mouth for once? Why do you always have to bully Kiara? Did she do something wrong to you that you are taking revenge by making her life a hell since the middle school? Or are you jealous? If I hear anything like this again then you will regret your coming future." George said to Jenna and then turned to the class. "From now on no one will bully Kiara or call her a Ragdoll! You all hear me?! No one means no one!" Everyone nodded their heads .

I was shocked by this. I never expected George to defend me. But why would he? He slowly approached me.

"Can I sit here?" he asked. I nodded and he sat down.

He smiled and said "No one will dare treat you like this again."

"Why?" I asked

"Why what?"

"Why did you stand up for me? We are not even friends." I said looking straight into his soft brown eyes.

He sighed and gave me a soft smile. "I've always watched you Kiara. You do not surface your emotions like other girls and you're ready to fight back no matter what the consequences are. My older sister was just like you, a fighter but something happened which made her commit suicide. I see her image in you. I was not able to save her and thinking about it burns me alive. I couldn't just see you fight alone anymore and wouldn't be able to bear the guilt if you did something like her. Also Jenna is a bitch." he said with sadness in his eyes but laughed when he said Jenna a bitch.

I hugged him with a smile on my face.
" You know Brune I always wanted a big brother and I think I found one."

"Always at your service lil'sis." he said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Shit! The whole class is ogling us. Bet they think something romantic is going on between us." I said with panic in my voice. Oh god! Why can't they mind their own damn business!

"Calm down and watch me." his voice laced with mischief.

He got up from his seat and stood in front of the class. Thank god our homeroom teacher didn't come....till now.

"Attention class!" Now everybody was looking at him.

"I want to declare my love to Kiara--" the class erupted with oohs and aahs. Some even whistled and didn't gave George a chance to complete the sentence. Thank god they couldn't see my red face.

"--as my little sister." he completed with a wide smile. "So bullying her means the person will be dealing with me."

Everyone's snickers and mocking laughters died when George twisted the point. Their smiles drooped and a vague look of shock were seen on their faces. I would have paid in all cash I owned to see their expressions again.

"Can I ask you WHY did you repeat that bullying point?" I asked him after he settled down beside me.

He shrugged. "I don't know. I think to make my point more serious?" he said.


The rest of the day went peacefully for me. Kayle was not there in the French class and during lunch I had some pending work so I couldn't tell her about the homeroom incident. I met her at the end of the day.

"Hey Key! So I heard something about George and you." she said enthusiastically.

" Jenna was being a bitch so George defended me. He threatened everyone for bullying me and said I was his lil sister."

" Tell me every single word Key! I know you want to tell me."

"Okay-okay." I laughed. She knew I was excited about telling her everything. After listening to the whole story she enthusiastically jumped up and down.

"That's so cute! You are his lil'sis but he can't beat me." Kayle said with a smirk.

"Shit! I didn't tell you about Ethan. He cornered me today just after you left." I said after remembering my encounter with him.

"Why the hell did he corner you? Wait. Are all guys playing a game of cornering you?" she said and wriggled her eyebrows. I giggled.

" He cornered me just to say hi. Thought I would run away from him. And no 'all guys' are not playing a game of 'cornering me'. Only two guys have done and they both are friends." I said with a smile.

"I'll ask about why would you run away from him later cause today I'm in a hurry. Shit! I have to reach at the clinic in 20minutes. I'll see you later." she said and then hugged me.

"Yeah, Later." I said to her as she walked away.

Today indeed was a good day.


Hey guys! Sorry for this late update. Honestly, writing is very tough for me. Please do vote and comment if you like this chapter:)

Do follow mine and selcouthdreamer 's joint account Sugar-coated_devils.

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