Chapter Eleven

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Darkness. Just one word can my past and present. Future? Well its something only fate would decide for me. Either I would still be in darkness or a ray of light just like seeping from the canopies of darkness would reach to me, bringing hope for my existence and a ray to guide me.

The first thing that my conscious body could feel when I woke up to the blinding rays of the sun was pain. Ugh, it was like my whole body was on fire. When I looked around I realized I was not in my room. I tried sitting up to have a good look of the unknown room but miserably failed as the pain was unbearable. Fudge my life. I am seriously and officially kidnapped. That makes me feel so much better (note my sarcasm).

I tried to speak but my attempt went in vain and instead coughed. I definitely need water. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming, guess they heard me. The door burst open and came in the last person I expected in all his glory. Jace. Wait.....he looked worried and sad? Woah that's something new.

" Are you okay Kiara? Wait....I'll get you some water first." said Jace. I just nodded my head due to my poor condition.

He poured some water in the glass which was on the night stand beside me and gently tilted my head up. I hungrily drank water, I must say it tasted delicious. Once satisfied I tried to get up.

"Here, let me help you else you would hurt yourself." he softly said to me and gently got me to my sitting position. Still it did hurt.

"Why am I here Jace?" I asked him.

"You don't remember Kiara?"

"" I said in confusion.

"Well some guys had beaten you up very badly yesterday and you blacked out when I came." I could feel the anger in his voice as his eyes turned black.

And in rush came the events of yesterday. I remember being beaten up badly by 'him' and then someone shouting my name in the background as I passed out on the ground. Jace was the one who saved me.

"Thanks for saving me Jace, I now remember the events of yesterday." I softly said to him.

"Do you know that guy Kiara?" I went still with that question.

"I-I...umm.....yes. I do know him." I whispered.

"What's his name?"

"Sorry Jace but I can't tell you that."

"Yes you have to cause now you owe me for saving your life from those bastards Kiara."

"I owe you nothing Jace. We are equal now cause I helped you  in the park a week ago." I angrily said to him.

"Really? Last time I checked you just walked off after calling me your 'oh so beautiful name!' " he sarcastically said.

"But 'last time when I checked' you were the one who pushed me away!"

"But you did leave me in that state when I was bleeding to death."

"Sorry 'oh so mighty' Jace that I couldn't read your damn feelings at that time. I should have been there for you like a servant."

"Don't mock me." he narrowed his eyes looking critically at me.

"Then don't tell me what to do!" I fired back.

"I don't order you around." he said in a duh tone. Ugh!

"He seriously is bipolar." I muttered under my breath.

"Did you just say something to me?"

"Yes your highness. I said you are a freaking bipolar." I said with an innocent fake smile.

Mending the broken PiecesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora